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  1. my hoenn starter is missing from pc ..im pretty sure I haven't traded it or removed, its a sceptile
  2. Runaldooo

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. ign = runaldooo 2. 255 hours played 3. fav is lugia 4 i just enjoy a game like this in general 5. im 19
  3. I wanna join my ign is runaldooo
  4. In-game name= Runaldooo I'm 16 Yeah I check it daily India My goal in Pro is complete everything part of story or not Asphalt and pes Lugia mew2 are my fav. Prolly coz of their story and Pikachu coz I call it to my crush
  5. Do I require dark types after u defeat alakazam and weavile?? Are they 2 causing headache?
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