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Everything posted by Escanor1994

  1. Cupid arrow
  2. -CO 575K by ohmale -INSTA 1.0 M -MIN BID 50K -END AT 6th Feb 13:00 hrs GMT -CO 1.3M by johann14 -INSTA 2.5M -MIN BID 50K -END AT 6th Feb 13:00 hrs GMT ingame id: escanor1994 discord tag: escanor#2706
  3. Nice shop
  4. While playing PRO, the client hanged and when I restarted the cleint it started downloading update. However, later an error message popped up and asked me to share the text file. patcherError.txt
  5. hey i would like to buy :- 1. togepi 220k modest 2. joltik 180k timid my discord id:- escanor#4286
  6. Sry sold earlier in game and forgot to update
  7. 130k sold 170k 30x2 ivs
  8. Welcome to POKEMON BAZAAR DISCORD TAG: ESCANOR#4286 [spoiler=Nice IVS and PVPable] [spoiler=BOSS AND CHEAP POKEMONS (all ev trained)] CRADILY 140K
  9. hey i would like to buy insta the following poks:- 1. all karps available (i.e. 5 karps) (20k+30k+20k+30k+30k) @130k 2. bagon @40k 3. meinfoo @ 150k 4. darumaka @ 20k 5. both roselia @ 70k 6. 3 starly available ( 20k+30k+60k) @110k my discord id.: escanor#4286
  10. 250k discord id: escanor#4286
  11. Can't say its a bug or not but should attack like double slap have a text (after the attack) that how many hits occured? Like in Gameboy it had a info text that " clefable hit 3 times". But i'm still not sure. Good Day
  13. Staff is looking at the matter, android client crashed when battling (wild or npc) so avoid using the same. And use correct thread for reporting, this is trades thread.
  14. Thank you, i can play now good day
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