Smartest: Suhu
Friendliest: Ridersempai
Funniest: -
Coolest: fadoka
Comeback Player of the Year: Suhu
Most Talkative: Suhu
Most Trustworthy: Suhu
Most Helpful: Sugarred9
Most Missed: immortalorigins
Most Influential: -
Most Intriguing: -
Best gm: Suhuzen
Best CC: Shaui
Best Mod: Letrix
Best CS: Shakumi
Best artist: shieon
Best mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: St4rlord
Most Friendly Staff: Lucareus
Most Dedicated Staff: St4rlord/Suhuzen (if i am not allowed to vote for 2 than make noone, both are equally deticated imo)
Most Honorable Former Staff (who is NO LONGER staff): Qhinn, ma man
As the title says i want to buy a [glow=yellow]SHINY[/glow] Rapidash or ponyta. Prefered are natures that boost speed or attack. Post here and I'll make an offer for it.
If staff Pokemon are banned , also ban the rewards from tournament (they also have high iv) or any kind of Pokemon given out to players as a reward for winning any tournament or event that staff did.
fair, in the olympics 1-3rd place get a medal, everyone else don't. here it's 1-25. That's how it is. You also now gain 1 pvp coin for each win in a ranked, which is fair to those who don't reach the top 25.
Despite PRO beeing a MMO, grind is needed imo and i'm fine with it right now. I actually think grinding pokemons (for competetive play) is way better in PRO then in the original games, since you can chat ;).
Offtopic: you might find this intresting for the upcoming Pokemon Games:
if you have caught 146 kanto pokes that's good (Pokedex number 1-146) you also need to defeat the 3 legend birds and mewtwo in cerulean cave
if you have the mewtwo dex entry all is fine, if not than you have to fight it again.
Well... if there was a thing like that... this would be eyesore for new PRO players... And yet...
I bet you are talking about victory road after e4... If that's the case... Then what about nerfing victory road's lvl then? No just no. This would make other players quit PRO.
the game balance of xp gained is pretty decent on the right spots (dragons den, mt silver or cerulean cave) once you got through story you're able to get xp very easily, i could do ev training + lvl 100 for one pokemon in 4-5 hours. that's fine to me tbh^^.
<r>I can recommend you GodsAndKarps guild,<br/>
it is fun talking with them in discord and they are super nice in guild chat. Atleast that's what i experienced before i left for making my own guild <E>:y:</E> <br/>
<URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 35&t=11240"></LINK_TEXT></URL> <<also a cool emblem :P</r>