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Abcd123's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I have another acc but no forum acc for it this is my only forum acc and my other acc is izan2004 look reborn bot but doesn't matter anymore cuz lam leaving pro cuz I can't download the android version like before it keeps loading
  2. What do u mean??I don't use this acc I don't have forum acc for the other acc this is my only forum acc my real acc is izan2004
  3. Could u guys make new link that doesn't involve mega that app cuz other like Linux when I press to download downloads straight away only android this mega this comes
  4. Nope pro is not there thank you but I think it's not gonna work I might have no other choice than to leave pro I had made 1240hrs:(
  5. IGN izan2004 Playtime 1240hrs pvp rating currently 186 lowered from 260 suddenly Vote for nature reroll yes Reason because it takes Alot of money to get the correct nature I think it's better this way Vote for birth island yes Reason because it's an amazing idea with the birth island that we can go catch legendaries from there
  6. And how to see if I havnt cleared all background apps
  7. What is vpn or proxy??pro has been working on my phone and tablet till now how to check if there are any files left of Pro??
  8. hi staff I tried uninstalling and installing but I can't install it it keeps loading I have fast net still not working
  9. Is this a common problem cuz before I had a problem where in phone when I play when I get in battle I get disconnected I asked staff in forum staff say to delete and download again I can't download it
  10. I have 1200+hrs lam in silver server and pvp rating 267
  11. Plz choose me
  12. Whenever i get in a battle in game using my phone i get dosconnected is this a common problem if yes when will it be fixed
  13. what is this new thing some guy said it is a ticket to an island it is available for 75pvp coin can staff or someone explain
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