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Posts posted by Sickkitten

  1. Can we not attack each other in the forums? If you don't agree with something, just politely state your case as to why. I am starting to see a lot of name calling (kid stuff). Keep it civil and friendly, we are all here cuz we love pokemon. :y:


    Sometimes in order to get your point across, you have to do it aggressively. Some people are so narrow minded & hallow headed, that being civil doesn't register.

  2. 41885 Hello I have a big problem my brother used a speed hack in my account.

    and now Is banned please help me I never let him play in my account more....



    You will never see a problem with this name anymore .......help my english bad.

    shouldn't post anything ban related here. :confused:


    but, you can try appealing your ban here; https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32

    but as it states, claims that your ban was due to a third party will be denied instantly, sorry ~

  3. there are plenty of better pokemon that you could use to defeat the elite four your first time, snorlax is hardly required compared to your other more viable options.


    But i am pretty sure you can find snorlax in the same place he was in the original red / blue games.

    if not, as stated above, you can just check your pokedex for locations. ~

  4. 41833 Every player hates having to teach those garbage moves to their favorite Pokémon, such as Cut or the completely useless Flash. Having to keep a Pokémon in the party just for those moves is also a pain. A good idea would be to give the player objects instead, like a chainsaw to cut trees, a torch to light up caves or a raft to surf.


    except that would require completely changing the mechanics of the game, which are completely unique to pokemon game. using these items would have the same "tedious" affect on you that these "garbage" moves give you, all it takes is clicking the pokemon & the HM move you want to use, how is this any different than selecting your bike or fishing rod? it's not, takes the same amount of time & the same amount of clicks to do it. so what is the point of this, exactly?


    regardless, i highly doubt this would ever be implemented, making these changes would give the development team more work than they already have to deal with, & it's not even something that matters. with that said, you should only suggest something if it benefits the community & the game as a whole, not just because you don't like how something is, being you seem to be the only one bothered by the original game mechanics. lol

  5. 41650 [glow=red]I completely agree with the main idea of this thread.

    A wiki, filled with information regarding the rarity of pokemons, would be a decent idea.[/glow]


    That idea is almost as bad as your font, what would be the point of a wiki showing how rare a pokemon is, when we have the forums to literally discuss it.


    The point is to make it easier for people to figure out how rare a pokemon is based on stats or shiny. Without having to rely on some noob calling their pokemon with terrible stats "epic".


    If we had a rarity indicator like the majority of mmo's, not only would this no longer be a problem. But trading over all would be a lot easier.

  6. 34762 Does any have a guide for the NPCs that trade their pokemon for yours?


    how about you figure it out & then make the guide yourself, so other players with your problem won't have this problem anymore. wouldn't that be nice, finding a solution to your own question & then making something so others wouldn't be lost anymore either? :Smile:


    contributing is what being part of a community is all about anyway, r-right?

  7. 41153 Well if people would actually read around/actually listen to what staff says, we wouldn't have to do that.

    Most common suggestions

    -Breeding (NO)

    -Fly (NO)

    -Auction house (planned)


    If i didn't know any better I'd swear some players come make suggestions before even setting their first foot into the pokemon world.


    well they don't listen, so honestly it is better than letting the section be flooded with repetitive threads over all making the section grossly disorganized. take whatever approach you figure would be the best, but none the less some changes do need to be made to this section.


    all i'm saying is; it is annoying having to filter through tons of the same stuff, when all someone should have to do is one simple search to find the one suggestion that has been articulated the best. frankly i am tired of reading through repetitive suggestions so poorly written it is hard to understand what exactly they are even suggesting, when there is a thread that explains it better buried beyond even being worth digging up.


    & you wonder why some people become frustrated when they don't receive an official response & this is probably part of that problem. would be easier for staff to do so if the section was like i said, actually organized, with some sort of guidelines in place.

  8. 41447


    Simple, the same way you think a Pokémon is garbage, he may think it's epic.


    except the pokemon i am referring to as garbage are pokemon with poor statistics. epic implies that it has the best stats making it better than every other average / bad pokemon.. this isn't something that's subjective lol


    True, but you just can't go on banning every word used by a idiot in a wrong sense :/


    i was mostly joking with a slight bit of hopefulness when i said that they should ban /censor it, & was mostly arguing the point for fun.


    but i guess, on a serious note; they should at least implement something that determines the rareness in the pokemon stats themselves to avoid people carelessly using the word to describe something that isn't actually epic at all.


    like this here; https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6546

  9. 41439


    enlighten me, what about a pokemon with poor statistics is epic exactly? just because the person says it is? that doesn't make any sense lol


    Simple, the same way you think a Pokémon is garbage, he may think it's epic.


    except the pokemon i am referring to as garbage are pokemon with poor statistics. epic implies that it has the best stats making it better than every other average / bad pokemon.. this isn't something that's subjective lol

  10. 41414
    41088 Why does that bother you so much? Just let people do their own thing and not worry about how they refer to their "garbage" pokemon lol. Its relative to specific people. Maybe I would agree with their epicness and maybe I wouldn't. Its up to the individual who wants to buy that pokemon to decide.


    Sooo what you're saying is, people should be going around calling their pokemon with awful stats epic, just because they feel like it's epic? that's stupid, just stop. do you even know what the word epic means? b.c unless it's something incredible beyond belief, it's not epic, just like how those garbage pokemon aren't epic. haha


    So only if you feel a poke is epic then only it should be called epic otherwise, it's just garbage?


    enlighten me, what about a pokemon with poor statistics is epic exactly? just because the person says it is? that doesn't make any sense lol

  11. 41088 Why does that bother you so much? Just let people do their own thing and not worry about how they refer to their "garbage" pokemon lol. Its relative to specific people. Maybe I would agree with their epicness and maybe I wouldn't. Its up to the individual who wants to buy that pokemon to decide.


    Sooo what you're saying is, people should be going around calling their pokemon with awful stats epic, just because they feel like it's epic? that's stupid, just stop. do you even know what the word epic means? b.c unless it's something incredible beyond belief, it's not epic, just like how those garbage pokemon aren't epic. haha

  12. 41292
    • Sword Art Online
    • Code Geass
    • Clannad
    • Mirai Nikki
    • Utawarerumono
    • Princess Mononoke
    • Detectiv Conan
    • One Piece
    • Naruto
    • Fairy Tail
    • ... (many more)


    But most I love Digimon, Pokemon na, it's pretty boring to watch allways the same


    i think it's ironic how you say "it's pretty boring to watch always the same" yet you have naruto & one piece listed as some of your favorite anime. when not only do they just dump the same repetitive garbage over, & over but they might as well be the same anime lol

  13. 41165 Well, some people would rather just create a new topic than search, really.


    & that's a problem, maybe if the forum was more organized then it would be easier for the staff to actually give official responses, which is hard when people keep making the same topic of about something that was already suggested & accumulated more response. That way people can find the same suggestion, just made better lol


    but whatever, keeping making it harder on yourselves ~

  14. 41024


    You DO you get stuff for donating... you get coins which you can spend on either membership to help you advance in the game, mounts, or other cosmetics to change ur appearance...


    except according to the FAQ this isn't guaranteed, which is what i was basing my stance off of. if that's the case then the FAQ needs to be updated if they ever expect to encourage a player like myself to donate. (not implying i would because i can get these exact same things by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for, so it's still a waste imo)


    Game/forum maintenance and upgrades aren't "nothing" though, actually I don't expect anything but that from my donations. Anything else I'm given, like perks, is just a bonus.


    then what is all the money they accumulate from membership fees going to? just seems like to me they're trying to money grub at any opportunity they can that's short of outraging the entire community, & what about that exactly is encouraging me to donate? nothing, especially since as i said in response to the above quote i can get the exact same things they offer you by donating, by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for lol



    1. I think the FAQ is a typo or just bad wording. I've donated SEVERAL times and always got the donations coins. I think what the FAQ meant is that there is a chance for delay on receiving the coins.

    2. Do you think it's free to create a game. There are costs of host servers and currently the game gets full a lot and also crashes a lot. With more money, they can get better host and more servers. Plus, there was a lot of developer hours going into making this game. Time is money my friend.


    uh huh, except they're already charging 5$ a month for membership, what is that money going to then? lol like i said, it is as if they're trying to money grub at any chance that's short of outraging the entire player base. what is even the point of these donation bonuses when like i've stated repeatedly now, you can just obtain for free by playing the game & using the in game currency to purchase them? it is almost like none of you realize this game is pay to win, which allows players to be able to sell their "benefits" to other players for in game currency.


    what is even the point of the membership if everyone is so fixated on donations? there is another particular mmo that is easily a larger pokemon based mmo than this one & their servers run entirely on donation funds, & selling things like "reward points" or as this game calls "coins" for real world money, which i am pretty sure this game also already does.


    so i'm still not convinced lol

  15. 41021 Donating give you the Membership bonuses and all that comes with it. How can this be possibly useless ?

    Even the 100c can give you few cosmetic items. So i don't know what do you mean by

    41011 yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return besides a cliche user bar on the forums. at least other games when you donate, or invest any kind of money into it, you actually get something out whether it be something that benefits you in the game, or something as measly as a unique in game cosmetic.

    I don't care about the user bar on forum, if i donated, it's for the memberships bonuses, that's all, and i think it's the same for a majority here.


    you mean the membership bonuses that you can get for free by just playing the game & using pokedollars? so cool ~

  16. 41013

    what is honestly encouraging me to donate any of my hard earned money? absolutely nothing, & all this seems like is the administration (or whoever) is playing off the simple minded majority that will donate purely to have "donator" under their username to have some kind of sense of "status", like wow. lol


    You DO you get stuff for donating... you get coins which you can spend on either membership to help you advance in the game, mounts, or other cosmetics to change ur appearance...


    except according to the FAQ this isn't guaranteed, which is what i was basing my stance off of. if that's the case then the FAQ needs to be updated if they ever expect to encourage a player like myself to donate. (not implying i would because i can get these exact same things by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for, so it's still a waste imo)

    41011yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return

    Game/forum maintenance and upgrades aren't "nothing" though, actually I don't expect anything but that from my donations. Anything else I'm given, like perks, is just a bonus.


    then what is all the money they accumulate from membership fees going to? just seems like to me they're trying to money grub at any opportunity they can that's short of outraging the entire community, & what about that exactly is encouraging me to donate? nothing still lol. especially since as i said in response to the above quote i can get the exact same things they offer you by donating, by spending in game money, which you don't need to spend real world money for!

  17. 41006 Ya it seems like it is just to get people to become donators. But it isn't really a big deal so I don't mind. :) also it isnt pointlessly wasting money if they feel they are going to be playing this game for a REALLY long time. Js.


    yes it is lol, you're putting money into something & getting nothing in return besides a cliche user bar on the forums. at least other games when you donate, or invest any kind of money into it, you actually get something out whether it be something that benefits you in the game, or something as measly as a unique in game cosmetic.


    what is honestly encouraging me to donate any of my hard earned money? absolutely nothing, & all this seems like is the administration (or whoever) is playing off the simple minded majority that will donate purely to have "donator" under their username to have some kind of sense of "status" among everyone else, like wow TOTALLY WORTH IT.


    let's be real here ~

  18. 40775 Haven't really noticed it to be honest but people do use it. I would try not to be too upset about it. Banning a word because people mis-use it would be pointless. Why get upset over a simple word. Let the people who buy the pokemon decide whether its "epic" or not.


    what? that's pretty stupid & here is why; if you let them do that, then you'd have a bunch of people calling their garbage pokemon epic when they're exactly that, garbage lol

  19. i agree with this, i hate anybody that uses the word epic to describe anything, even when it has nothing to do with this game. epic is the kind of word a simpleton uses loosely when you can't think of anything better to be more descriptive with. it's understandable when something actually is epic, but what is something actually epic to you? because something epic better be something pretty damn amazing otherwise it's just another basic boring thing that you can find literally any where else.


    with that said, i would hardly consider epic an appropriate word to use to describe things like pokemon & their statistics. these are just pixels, backed by statistics randomly generated by codes. nothing about any of this is unique or "one of a kind" i could cite various things that are basically exactly like this, especially in an independently made pokemon mmo that exists among numerous other ones that essentially offer the exact same thing.


    so what exactly is epic about any of this? absolutely nothing lol

    so let them find a another word to use, that would be for the better anyway ~

  20. 40570
    40561 Hey there, before we accept you into the community I must ask of you to mimic the following Pokemon cry:





    Make sure to record your attempt and post the result.




    Ah yes, this is mandatory for acceptance. I look forward to your attempt.

    Haha, sadly I don't post videos or recordings of my own, if I did I would try and mimic all my favorites. :Crazy:



  21. Re: Mt. Goon: Economics Edition


    <t>life tips from sickkitten: if a website has a spot before paying for a promo code always ALWAYS google "(website name) promo code" first ~</t>

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