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Posts posted by Sickkitten

  1. 37788 To answer your question:


    "Have you even tried being articulate?"

    Answer: No, Not really, I've just been welcoming everyone to the community, nothing wrong with that.


    "Probably not seeing how redundant you are lol"

    Answer: Beginning to see it myself, but like I said already, nothing wrong with welcoming everyone to the community.


    Hope your happy with those answers, they will not be changing. And I know your going to say:


    "blah blah blah spam, blah blah blah your pointless"

    Don't care anymore, I will not continue to post to this section, if you quote/reply then you will be talking to yourself. Hope you understand that idc, was just asking questions, and you have pointlessly responded period by not answering the questions at all. very immature.


    all i did was point out that spamming introductions isn't the same as being active & you started to act like a salty child because of it. it's funny how you have the audacity to call me immature, when you could have just ignored me in the first place instead of choosing to argue with me. just goes to show that you actually do care, ayy lmao


    p.s; do you even know what the word "articulate" means? because the answer you gave me isn't a logical answer to my question lol

  2. 37780

    I don't copy and paste, I just like introducing new members since I'm a nice person. No need to be so harsh bro grow up :Cool:


    what exactly was harsh about anything i said? & okie, so it wasn't copy & paste but just posting the same message over & over still isn't exactly being active. enjoying welcoming new members or not, it's basically spam lol


    stop being such a spineless baby ~


    Spineless baby xD lol. idk what that means, but i'm guessing it means stop complaining, and yeah it was kind of spam, but nothing wrong with introducing new to the community :Grin:


    of course you don't, but that is none of my business :Smile:


    no one said there was anything wrong with that, but spamming is repetitive & annoying. have you even tried being articulate? probably not seeing how redundant you are lol

  3. 37773
    37615 i'd hardly call copy & pasting the same reply in just about every thread in the introduction forums as being "active" lol

    I don't copy and paste, I just like introducing new members since I'm a nice person. No need to be so harsh bro grow up :Cool:


    what exactly was harsh about anything i said? & okie, so it wasn't copy & paste but just posting the same message over & over still isn't exactly being active. enjoying welcoming new members or not, it's basically spam lol


    stop being such a spineless baby ~

  4. 37106 Hi, I'm Vanessa. Gaming occupies all of my free time.

    Been playing Pokemon since the release of Pokemon Red/Blue (I played Blue).

    I have logged thousands of hours since in the various versions over the years.


    I look forward to playing this with new friends. Can't wait for it to hit mobile!


    My in-game name is GoddessVanessa. Let's meet up!


    <3 Vanessa



    Quick question...how do I add a signature? I can't seem to find it in the UCP. Thanks!


    some goddess you are, you should already know the answer to these questions ~

  5. it's the community mostly for me.


    in game, i see hardly anyone actually having a conversation. all it entirely consist of mostly are people asking the same repetitive question(s) someone just got done asking not even five minutes prior, granted not everything in the story in pro especially can be found on google, but what is even the point of having an online game when essentially every public channel is flooded with this literal garbage, most of these people bring me to my next point. most of the community i noticed especially the ones who flood the in game chat with these questions, or the forums with even more repetitive questions lack the common sense to search back & find the answer to their problems themselves. it is understandable when it is a problem that hasn't yet been encountered or solved by anybody else, but are these really the kind of people you want playing? while understanding this game has an international reach, a lot of the people i have attempted to interact with were basically brain dead / could barely communicate or maintain a conversation for the sake of them, whether it be for reasons like not understanding English well, or being socially inept. frankly i am not surprised you guys have rules in place like forbidding scamming & deceit because from what i gather a lot of these people seem like they would be easily taken advantage of.


    i could go on & on about this probably, but there wouldn't be any point because it is not like any of this is going to change because i don't like it, nor would i have any idea on how i would make it any better.


    basically, if you don't want to bother reading all of this, my opinion in short is the community here is cancer.

  6. 37249 I watch DBZ in the dubs just because I grew up with it.

    But in most anime, the dubs ruin the emotion with terrible voice acting and just makes it seem tacky.


    let's not forget about the fact that the japanese to english translations are almost never truly accurate & often censors / cuts out a lot of what is said. ;o

  7. 37112 Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Yoko, and i'm quite new to Pokemon! I figured i'd try it, because it seems quite interesting. If anyone has tips, i'd love to listen because I have no idea what I'm doing.


    A little about me, I'm originally from Tokyo, Japan, then transitioned to California, USA and got really into MMOs, mostly started with Perfect World. I was given the opportunity to start as a support member for the community, and worked my self up to becoming an in-game GM/CM, a Game Master Community Mananger. I usually helped player in-game requests and held events. I also have tried a little bit of WoW and completely nerded out, getting 2 level 100s with 640 ilvl in around two months.. Forgive me.


    Anyways, it's nice to meet everyone. ^^


    japanese huh? jealous

  8. 37187
    37183 most of the anime you people watch are trash, i am referring to everyone that has listed naruto, attack on titan, death note, bleach, or one piece lol

    Or maybe those shows aren't for you.



    I agreelol


    they're not for me b.c i actually have good taste. at least somebody else does too :Cool:

  9. Re: Mt. Goon: Koala Fight Edition


    <r><QUOTE author="Gradiusic"><s>

    </s><POST content="35988"><s></s>35988<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="sickkitten"><s>
    </s><POST content="35947"><s></s>35947<e></e></POST> Hai friends<e>


    Who are you? :O<e>



    Soon to be the cutest in guild / game ~</r>

  10. 34277 How do i do this switch thing..

    I've found the first switch but i cant seem to find the second and im starting to get angry because i've been in this place for like 45minutes..

    Can someone create a guide please.


    it is almost like you never played a pokemon game before x:

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