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Everything posted by Justlegend

  1. If you found yourself in this list and want to join back - pm me in game or here.
  2. Here are members who were kicked due innactivity
  3. Togekiss with 388 speed (with choice scarf) did not outspeeded 383 speed jolly Weavile.
  4. Re: Limbo Guild - Yellow Server (Check Comments for event) <t>Updated</t>
  5. Re: Limbo Guild - Yellow Server (Check Comments for event) <r><QUOTE author="6Head"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <QUOTE author="Krum"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <QUOTE author="smokincatcher"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <QUOTE author="nicksupergod"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Event starts in 2 hours and 30 minutes!</r>
  6. Re: Limbo Guild - Yellow Server (Check Comments for event) <r><CENTER><s> </s><IMG src=" https://i.imgur.com/wGMI1xJ.jpg?1"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></CENTER><br/> <br/> Hello again. Due problems with internet, I could not organize event in right way earlier today, and it was decided to postpone event. Rules and suggestions will be same. Anyone can join this event ... after he pay 15k. This event doesn't require PVP skills, it's not hunt event nor hide'n'seek event. :D The only requierement is to speak english, so if you think you speak it well (without using translater(s)) - you should join. I'm afraid noone will have time for translater, so better don't waste money. More info about event rulses you will get ~30 minutes before event start. In game will be created channel "LGEvent" - channel where you can get all info.About prizes - 1st place = 1ms + 15% of collected money; 2nd place - 50% and 3rd place - 35% of collected money. Good luck!<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>P.S. If you paid money for event but after hearing rules, you don't want to take part in it - you will get money back. All you need is to PM me or Gerrr.<e></e></B></r>
  7. Re: Limbo Guild - Yellow Server (Check Comments for event) <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> tnx Somes</r>
  8. Hello guys! Later today, if everything will be good, we will have event at Lavender Town. Anyone can join this event ... after he pay 15k. This event doesn't require PVP skills, it's not hunt event nor hide'n'seek event. :D The only requierement is to speak english, so if you think you speak it well (without using translater(s)) - you should join. I'm afraid noone will have time for translater, so better don't waste money. More info about event rulses you will get ~30 minutes before event start. In game will be created channel "LGEvent" - channel where you can get all info, you will know from that channel do we start today; is everything good etc. First 20 guys who write in comments will have biggest chance to join event! About prizes - 1st place = 1ms + 15% of collected money; 2nd place - 50% and 3rd place - 35% of collected money.
  9. Hello everyone! Limbo guild is newish guild on Yellow server, and it is recruiting new people. Our guild was made not to be #top1 on pvp ladder os something like that, we prefer to have fun and enjoy game. Limbo guild leaders are : Missme, Jybepk and me, JustLegend. Now bit more guild info People who are not welcome here: 1) scammers 2) greedy people 3) boters If you are one of those, better don't waste time and just close this topic. In Limbo guild there is role system. Role system is based on "circles". The older member is - the "deeper" his circle is. Starting from Circle 1 - are members who are old 7 days. Circle 2 - members who are with us for 1 month. Circle 3 - 2 months ; Circle 4 - 3 months ; Circle 5 - 4 months ; Circle 6 - 5 months ; Circle 7 - 6 months ; Circle 8 - 8 months ; Circle 9 - year +. Purpose of each circle Circle 1 - becoming member here and in game Circle 2 - free rare dex data (ATTENTION! We may not have the dex data you need) Circle 3- free pokes channel Circle 4 - access to guild events + channel "pvp teams" Circle 5 - access to guild bank money Circle 6 - access to guild bank pokes Circle 7 - access to command kick Circle 8 - take part in organizing events + acces to invite link Circle 9 - some commands for moderating + personal color in discord. Also possibility to become officer Before joining our guild you will need to answer on few questions 1) How old are you and where are you from? 2) How much hours of playtime do you have and how many badges you have? 3) Do you have more accounts and were you playing on Blue or Red server? 4) Do you have any aim(s) in this game? 5) Do you use discord? Here is discord link. Anyone can join https://discord.gg/KVjQpyh
  10. Re: Adamant Sand Rush Excadrill <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/COscnSY.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Re: Adamant Sand Rush Excadrill <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/4d8yc7S.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. Start offer -1,5m Current offer - 1,5m by Chaffee Instant 3,5m Auction 48 hrs (or less if someone hit instant) Accept pokemoney and MS 30 d ms - 1,2m 15d ms - 600k 60 d ms - 2,3m Good luck :)
  13. Re: Yanmega 20+ modest <t>Sold in game. (traded for ms (30 days)).</t>
  14. Bumping
  15. I pass on that Kingdra... U answered so late. I already spent money that i had. GL selling it
  16. Re: Adamant h.a. Zangoose and Yanmega <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/z6SNi56.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  17. Bump!
  18. Start 1m c.o. 1m by PreHax Ends in 48 hrs.
  19. bump.
  20. offering 800k on kingdra
  21. bump.
  22. bumping
  23. https://imgur.com/a/0jmPL I'm am officer but for some reason i can not invite ppl to guild or promote. I was rejoining guild and demoted and promoted again and again, nothing helped.
  24. PM Zakos in game for more info.
  25. That is almost half year.
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