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Everything posted by Justlegend

  1. offer accepted. 5 days till end
  2. Thanks for ur opinion, but if i wanted s.o. to be 3m - i would make it 3m :)
  3. bumping. Guys plsease join discord or send me PM in game.
  4. Bump! .
  5. I understood how this bug works, and tested it today. I heard about it from 1 person who want to remain anonymous. This is how it work You need to start talk with NPC who block way. wait end of message, crahs internet (simply unplug ethernt wire) and press log out. After this was done - fix internet , log in and spamm up or down arrow. You will skip this kind of NPC. For NPC who battle you, crashing internet is not needed. It's enough to just log out, and log in + spamm arrow (left / right/ up down) doesn't matter.
  6. bumpp...
  7. Bumping
  8. Bumppppp
  9. bumping
  10. People who were kicked due innactivity have to PM me in order to join back.
  11. bumping
  12. Sableye was sold 422 ID eevee sold for 250k to this person
  13. Bump...
  14. You can also find me on discord - Optimism#9398
  15. This poke was sold today for instant price in Yellow. Seller asked me to not tell his name, which means all ur questions will be ignored. Tnx for understanding and thanks to everyone who bidded!
  16. Guys tomorrow we are gonna make guild picture! There also will be giveaway, make sure not to miss it! - JustLegend ; Jybepk
  17. BUmping
  18. Bump...
  19. Shop was updated !
  20. Offers from Mrfreeze and Eric66 were canceled...
  21. bumping
  22. I'm still waiting to hear from seller about it as well. I might insta you need to start offer, then i start auction...
  23. Re: S Magikarp adamant very very epic! <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/CW1qVhj.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
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