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Everything posted by Adure
I don't know if anyone would find this useful, but i've made a tool in Google Sheets that is similar to Reborn bot. This one lets you search for text which contains certain characters, so for example if you are going to Hoenn Safari Zone you can search for "Hoenn Safari" and it will instantly pull up all the pokemon you can find in the hoenn safari areas. I was just tired of all my searches being drowned by the spam in the bot-commands channel, so this was my little solution to that. Hopefully some other crazy people like me might find this useful. Link to sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IH9pw4_pDulGNdR213JovOE7c89lhf11k6F-PnJJimo/edit?usp=sharing I've attached a gif of how it works.
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Hi everyone! In this video I aim to discuss the most burning questions newer people have when they first open up the PROEditor and go over my version of making a map. Hopefully this video helps you understand the basics and gets you into at least giving map making a try because it can be a really rewarding and fun experience! If you have any further questions about making maps you can DM me on discord at Piranha#7663 or leave them here and i'll be happy to respond as soon as i'm free!
Yeah this quest is permanent.
Hey man, sorry but my initial guide actually had that part wrong. I wrote this pretty early into the event and everyone who had done it was also Sinnoh champion so we couldn't tell exactly which league you needed. It turns out you have to be a Sinnoh champion to obtain these legendaries. Sorry for mis-informing you and anyone else the guide may have affected.
I'm not sure on the exact chances but i did receive one while doing archaeology in the Historical Site just now. They're not buyable but rather you get a chance at receiving them by doing archaeology. Someone had told me in game-chat you need 10 Mirror Shards for a Reveal Glass which is what's used to change the form.
They're all around Hoenn and require an archaeological permit for 100k on route 114.
I believe if you do all the excavation sites and get a Mirror Shard, you are able to use that to change the form.
Hi all! In this guide we're catching the legendary Force Of Nature trio of the Unova Region! With that out of the way, let's begin! - Sinnoh Champion - 1 OT Pokemon with Storm Drain ability and 100+ in IV's. - 1 OT Pokemon with Levitate ability and 100+ in IV's. - 1 OT Pokemon with Lightning Rod ability and 100+ in IV's. - It is recommended to have a full team of Lv100's as you will face some challenging foes. To begin the quest speak with the Jirachi in the Mauville City House 1 (Just left of the pokemart) and accept the quest. After speaking to Jirachi head North to route 111, and you will notice it looks a bit different. Work your way through the Magma grunts and their Lv80 Pokemon until you come across a portal. Enter the portal and continue through the cave until you come across the Magma Grunt in front of Landorus. This magma grunt is far more difficult than the previous ones faced thus far. Their team has the following pokemon: - Lv100 Claydol - Lv100 Flygon - Lv100 Crowbat - Lv100 Glaceon - Lv100 Froslass - Lv100 Weavile After defeating this Magma Grunt heal your team and interact with Landorus to commence a battle. After defeating Landorus Jirachi will return you to Mauville. After completing Route 111 speak to Jirachi in the Mauville City House 1 and select "Yes, Please!" when asked if you need more time. After this interaction is done you can head East onto Route 118 to begin the Tornadus segment. Route 118 is similar to Route 111 where you have to work your way through magma grunts until you come across a similar looking portal. After entering the portal continue fighting through the magma grunts until you come across the final grunt located in front of Tornadus. Once again this grunt is far more difficult than the ones you fought on the way here so make sure you're fully healed. Their team has the following pokemon: - Lv100 Gastrodon - Lv100 Rhyperior - Lv100 Zebstrika - Lv100 Aggron - Lv100 Manectric - Lv100 Weavile After defeating this Magma Grunt heal your team and interact with Tornadus to commence a battle. After defeating Tornadus Jirachi will return you to Mauville. After completing Route 118 speak to Jirachi in Mauville City House 1 and once again select "Yes, Please!" when asked if you need more time. Once you've done this and healed up you can head South to Route 110 to begin the Thundurus segment. Once again Route 110 is similar to the last 2 routes you have done in which you must walk through fighting the easy Magma Grunts before entering a portal. Once you have arrived at the Magma Grunt in front of Thundurus make sure you team is healed as he also has a full team of Lv100 Pokemon. His team contains the following Pokemon: - Lv100 Manectric - Lv100 Rhyperior - Lv100 Zebstrika - Lv100 Flygon - Lv100 Altaria - Lv100 Weavile After defeating this Magma Grunt heal your team and interact with Thundurus to commence a battle. After defeating Thundurus Jirachi will return you to Mauville. After defeating the 3rd and final Unova weather legendary, you can heal up at Mauville and return to Mauville City House 1 where you will see a couple of Magma Grunts and Magma Admin Courtney blocking the way to Jirachi. You must defeat the Magma Admin in order to progress. Proceed with caution as her team is quite strong. Her team contains the following Pokemon: - Lv100 Houndoom - Lv100 Camerupt - Lv100 Crobat - Lv100 Scrafty - Lv100 Darmanitan - Lv100 Blaziken Once you've defeated Magma Admin Courtney Jirachi will express it's gratitude for saving it and will allow you to then capture all 3 of the Unova Force Of Nature legendaries. In order to then capture the Force Of Nature trio, you must bring a pokemon in order to traverse the lands they inhabit. - To catch Landorus you must bring an OT Pokemon with Levitate for it's ability and it must have an IV total of 100+ - To catch Thundurus you must bring an OT Pokemon with Lightning Rod for it's ability and it must have an IV total of 100+ - To catch Tornadus you must bring an OT Pokemon with Storm Drain for it's ability and must have an IV total of 100+ Once you have these 3 required pokemon, speak to Jirachi and select which legendary you would like to catch. Be sure to bring your sync pokemon and Masterball if you want an easier catch! This process can be repeated with the other 2 legendaries after you capture the first one so there is no need to worry over which one you want. That ends this quest guide, hope it's helped you! Happy Hunting!
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You're too kind, thanks for the unexpectedly quick reply! I appreciate being able to listen to this again so thank you for finding it!
Is anyone- staff or otherwise, able to hit me up with the music used in the Lake Of Shrine map when catching Celebi. I can't find any music used in pro online and i'd like to listen to it again but it's impossible for me to return. Is there any online location i can use to listen to the pro bgm?
Hi, so i got this Ponyta while casually trying to fill out my pokedex. Has matching IV's so i was wondering if there happen to be any collectors out there who might be able to accurately price check it since it's pretty rare to see. Thanks in advance!
Hi guys! I just completed the Sinnoh league and since the next few tasks of capturing all the pokemon in the regions for the Legendary Quests seemed quite daunting, I spent some time to create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets which has all the information you'd need to capture every catchable pokemon from Kanto to Sinnoh, with check-boxes to make it easy to keep track of which ones you've caught. Hopefully some of you find some use out of this! Pokedex Tracker
Why do you want to join Eternity? I've been playing pro casually for a while now and have never really considered joining a guild until recently. I think it would be fun to have a group of players i can regularly communicate with while grinding stuff out or just generally playing the game and after some careful consideration i've decided Eternity is a good fit for me if i'm accepted! Real name / ingame name: My in-game name is Adure. I'm not super comfortable giving out my real name just yet. How old are you? I'm 20, 21 in August. Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak? I live in New Zealand and speak English. Discord name+tag / how often u r online there? My Discord name and tag are Piranha#7663 and i'm online there pretty much as often as i have my laptop open. So pretty regularly i'd say. What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? I'd like to start some of the legendary quests. I like the idea of a big grind like catching all region pokemon and the fact that there are so many quests with hard requirements means that will probably be my main goal for quite a while. I've never PvP'd before because my technical knowledge of Pokemon as a whole is nowhere near the required level to even stand a chance but i enjoy playing the game casually so maybe if i ever get the confidence i'll get into PvP. Screenshot of your trainercard
Haven't posted here in goodness knows how long, but there's a tiling error here. https://prntscr.com/c9ptd3
Yes, it indeed does! :Grin: However i don't believe multiple xp crystals stack.
Oh really? I'm just kinda grinding at the entrance of Victory Road, so i didn't know that. Thanks for the helpful info! :)
Surely i can't be the only person who's gotten into this situation; You've just beaten your final gym in Kanto! Hooray! Time to start training in Victory Road for the elite 4! However, you don't like the idea of having to go all the way back to the Pokecenter to heal every so often, so naturally, you decide to buy some potions / status healing items from the Pokemart, only to find that all the Pokemart sells are normal Potions, and really basic status healing items. Something i'm sure many people have thought of is having the Pokemart change stock depending on how many badges you have. This would make Pokemart trips a lot easier. Just a thought i had while grinding is all. :Shy:
There's an NPC of an old man who comes up to you and talks about the doors to choose. I think he might be positioned incorrectly as he's inside the potted plant. https://prntscr.com/ay63pg Also, adding on from that, after submitting this, i walked down a few steps, and found this Wheezing NPC who seems to be out of place as well. https://prntscr.com/ay64ev
I completely second this! I'd love to see this implemented! Also, your English was perfect, good job. :Grin:
Pink graphics took over my game
Adure replied to Cerda911's topic in Client Bugs; Music, Graphics, etc.
I don't know much in terms of fixes, but a quick diagnosis is if you've downloaded and installed a fresh copy of PRO and the problem still persists, then it's likely a problem with your graphics driver. If that's the case, then it's got nothing to do with the game, but rather your own computer. I suppose a quick recommendation is to check / update your graphics card drivers in your computer's "Device Manager". Good luck! :D: -
I've seen many of these faction-based implementations come into MMORPG's of all kinds. I don't oppose the idea at all, i think the idea of having faction-based raids will help bring the community together too, and start possible rivalry's and alliances. I like what you're thinking and i'd love to see it implemented! :Grin:
Congratz! Amazing how fast something so rare can occur for some lucky, lucky people! From what i've seen in game-chat or on the forums, it looks like you're the first. Go boast to your friends about it, because it's surely a once-in-a-lifetime thing! :Grin: