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Everything posted by Inustur

  1. 450k shiny kadabra & start shiny pansear (alt: kaka1140 & transfer if win)
  2. 500k (will transfer & alt: kaka1140)
  3. 2.5m cottonee
  4. Start Cottonee 2m, Start Pidove 1.5m (will transfer with my alt kaka1140)
  5. hi, I can do the trade now if you’re available also? Or around 8-9 hours later. (ign: kaka1140 - Gold server) **ALSO, the 1st is sold before and I forgot to remove the pic sr.
  6. Okay i’ll do 3m, i’ll be available around 1-2 hours later and aphrodia pc if we could. IGN: inustur
  7. Oh yes ofc, I wanna offer 2.5m for it
  8. Hi, how much for shiny miltank? or you looking for offer?
  9. !
  10. Hi @Kimew, I would appreciate if the shop can be moved to gold if possible, Thank you and truly appreciate,
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