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Everything posted by StevenJohnson

  1. 1.8m rotom wash
  2. Start rotom wash
  3. bump.. someone help?...
  4. hey i try to evolve my rotom 100 lvl. it had 24 def 30 speed 31 sp atk 24 def and 21 hp bold leviate when i press the box to become rotom wash i didnt became rotom wash it was dielete it from my 6th pokemon that i had on my team and it show me icon on charizard with hydro pump?... lol can you help me? i lose it for no reason. and it wasnt my fault even.. and after i couldnt evolve it after when it be evolve it it name says only rotom and it show to learn hydro pump when i press to learn it. it didnt change the move and cant be learn. because it saw it is name rotom but on icon it is rotom wash when i try to recall it says again to contact with staff because error found
  5. wtb sassy epic hp ice tangela h.a i pay good price/ darumaka 31/drilbur speed jolly 31 sand rush or mold breaker
  6. I was first 1.6m
  7. 260k from me
  8. I think omastar action finish and i won
  9. Current Name: Marios Change into: StevenSt0ne Payment Server : gold
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