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Everything posted by StevenJohnson

  1. pm me when you are on
  2. cherubi shiny 100k action start
  3. WELCOME TO MY SHOP ANYTHING YOU NEED YOU WILL FIND IT HERE [spoiler=dratini] 50k 70k 50k 40k 50k 40k 60k [spoiler=darumaka] 80k [spoiler=larvitar/pupitar] 120k 90k 50k 40k 30k 40k 40k 50k [spoiler=magikarp] 40k 30k 30k 40k
  4. wtb bold god larvesta/volcarona hp ice
  5. Wtb godly tyra/larv
  6. wtb godly aerodactyl jolly
  7. epic darmanitan start action 1m 4 days 100k bid
  8. start
  9. action start.
  10. action start 500k /instant 1.1m action 4 days 50k bid
  11. realy high show me and we will speak
  12. togekiss 500k action start instant 800k tyra start 500k action instant 900k excadrill 300k instant 600k 4 days 50k bid
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