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Everything posted by Omardaley1

  1. Re: Apachai shop (add epic timid HA staryu & Lapras epic)add insta price <t>Bo 110 staryu</t>
  2. agreed id prefer if it was cheaper. the ideas cool but too overpriced for my liking. then again i guess u cud just say dont buy it but im just expressing my opinion :y:
  3. I would like to apply [ign: Omardaley1] GMT+0
  4. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="GaryOoak"><s> </e></QUOTE> 220k and we have a deal?<e> </e></QUOTE> 220k it is add me ingame or i will keep trying adding you anyway w me for trade when you can i am onl now..<e> </e></QUOTE> Cool ill be online very soon jus waiting in que of 240 <E>:Angry:</E></r>
  5. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="Ford01"><s> </e></QUOTE> Id kike an insta of 400k lol so ur call. No bo since in cloaing shop<br/> thabks</r>
  6. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="bonbon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Okay ill pm u wen im ingame <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  7. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE> Looking for more for lota. Not doing bo cos im closing shop and insta is quite a bit higher cos its really nice. If u intereseted in insta and paying more lol pm me <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  8. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="GaryOoak"><s> </e></QUOTE> 220k and we have a deal?</r>
  9. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="bonbon"><s> </e></QUOTE> 120k and u can have it. Im havin a clearence :)</r>
  10. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 850k - INSTA SET: 1.25M <r><QUOTE author="Mistral"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sold ill pm u jngame</r>
  11. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="h037"><s> </e></QUOTE> i can giv it to u insta for 110k?</r>
  12. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 850k - INSTA SET: 1.25M <r>INSTA SET <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  13. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - Epic Rhyperior Jolteon Starmie Added <r><QUOTE author="TerrorGr"><s> </e></QUOTE> Cant let yanma go for that price. Spiritomb 100k and cloyster 120ks as low as ill go</r>
  14. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - { Lotad Rain Dish (4x30) } <t>Bump</t>
  15. Re: Jaeco's shop [Ongoing auction: swift swim kabuto, H.A. eevee] <t>120 h ability eevee</t>
  16. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 800k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <r><QUOTE author="ShadowBolt"><s> </e></QUOTE> I have a certain price im looking for and i dont want to disclose it openly. And until that price is hit bo will go on. If the bo stops before that then ill keep the turtwig</r>
  17. Re: Jaeco's shop [Ongoing auction: swift swim kabuto] <t>80k eevee mild anticipation</t>
  18. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 800k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <t>BUMP always</t>
  19. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - { Lotad Rain Dish (4x30) } <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> patience is the key <E>:y:</E></r>
  20. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - UPDATED - <t>UPDATE</t>
  21. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Update coming soon <r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> in que atm will be in mahogony<e> </e></QUOTE> so i wont leave johto xD will wait for you there.<e> </e></QUOTE> cool</r>
  22. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Update coming soon <r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s> </e></QUOTE> you can have 120k, dont mind, im logging now so see you ingame?<e> </e></QUOTE> I cant log in atm but when im on ill pm u<e> </e></QUOTE> in que atm will be in mahogony</r>
  23. I dced lol and wifi jus goin down whilst im in the que so wen it sorts it self out then ill come grab the impish phantump
  24. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Update coming soon <r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> jus checked again and saw it was an auction so its urs for 110k sorry my bad lol. ill be online soon jus having trouble logging in atm and then we can make the trade<e> </e></QUOTE> you can have 120k, dont mind, im logging now so see you ingame?<e> </e></QUOTE> I cant log in atm but when im on ill pm u</r>
  25. Re: ✰ Omardaleys House of Epics ✰ - Update coming soon <r><QUOTE author="Ronaldo37110"><s> </e></QUOTE> i dont really want to start an auction for swablu because there seems to be no interest atm. id like an insta of 300k or bo 250k 24hrs. up to u but i wont sell it lower than that</r>
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