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  1. I have quite a lot on red server. A few things I can think of is: Mounts: Aerodactyl mount, S Houndoom mount Pokémon: Jolly medicham probably the best on server and a few others I can show u ingame Clothes: I have lots of clothes from the Halloween and food chests. Others: Pickaxe, tree axe
  2. Hey hes got 25 def iv, 05 spd iv, 13 spatk iv, 24 spdef iv, 23 hp iv lvl 100 ev trained
  3. Thanks for the insformation. I did decline it so hopefully it will be ok when it gets coded. Fingers crossed.
  4. Will it be locked in hitmontop forever though? because I didn't know this before I lvled it to 20.
  5. Its still a hitmontop. Its locked on what it was evolving into at level 20 but I had a higher atk stat than efence so I don't understand how this happened..
  6. I've got 28 atk and 24 defence on it at the moment and it was in a battle to get 19-20 and then 20-21 I'm not sure if it bugged or if it is locked on hitmontop now :/
  7. Hi, I have a tyrogue that I just got to lvl 20 I used proteins on him to make sure I would get a hitmonlee but it still evolved into a hitmontop when I had a few points more attack than defence. This tyrogue is a really nice one and its pretty much trash now since its not what it was supposed to evolve into. Can you fix this please?
  8. oh just seen admins post there. oh well guess its the bin for my shedinja then lol
  9. Its a part of the game but some are just luckier than others. It could be a big time killer aswell if you have to farm another rare and casuals just wont have the time nor the cash to replace it without wasting a lot of playtime. Also competitive PVP is pretty much the endgame along with farming various things and doing weeklies. I just think this would be a very nice feature and welcomed by the majority of the community.
  10. Yeah my shedinja doesnt know sword dance so gg haha and my vileplume needs moonlight too :Angry:
  11. So noone else thinks this is a good idea? #Bump
  12. yeah I don't mind paying a bit extra. This game isn't a carbon copy of pokemon so it wouldn't hurt to do this only help especially in an mmo enviroment.
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