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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Sure, started from now then.
  2. #push changed insta+start
  3. Insta: 1m Current Offer: 600k by @ramazan5554 Min Increase: +100k The auction starts after the first offer and ends 2 days after. Offer ends: 3/23/19 2:43 PM UTC +1. I can level it to 100, do the EVs and the moveset for +200k if wanted.
  4. He asked for a counter and he got one, that's it
  5. start edit: sorry its gold, I was too excited. I have to remove the offer as im playing on silver
  6. Im looking for 31 Spd + 29-31 main stat, rest around 20+: Excadrill, H.A., Jolly Volcarona, Timid Tyranitar, Adamant Azumarill, Adamant and much more offensive B++ Pokémon, just post them here or write me on Discord.
  7. I agree that I counted checks not counters, but if u need a counter then use CM Unaware Clef.
  8. If Manaphy is too strong in your opinion use Unaware Clef and setup on it?
  9. Ferro, AV Tang, Gengar can revengekill, Dnite, hard hitting priority (Conk, Breloom), Clef (Unaware) probably a lot more. Some need to be aware of Icebeam tho.
  10. Just a quick response from my side; Just because a Pokémon is very strong or the best in the Meta doesn't mean it has to be banned. In case of Manaphy, there are enough counters and even stronger Pokémon.
  11. @Yakuzah won, hit me up in Discord/IGN if u are online, ill try to do the same
  12. I added some Input from you guys which is worth mentioning, if anyone wants it removed pm me.
  13. Insta: N/A Current Offer: 800k by Yakuzah Min Increase: +100k The auction starts after the first offer and ends 2 days after. Offer ends: 3/8/19 12:08 PM UTC +1.
  14. Hey, I really like the effort you put into this but most of the things are either already suggested, (PC, Marketplace) denied (Double Battles) or implemented (Item Trade via Post). For the Quest tracker, I don’t think it’s necessary at all and just makes the game seem linear. It’s the charm of the game not to know what to do at some point.
  15. push
  16. There are many legendaries, which are worse/less viable in PvP than a lot of normal Pokémon. All the broken ones (over 601 base) are banned in PvP and the viable ones don't let you autowin games on their own at all.
  17. Flex and PvP at once sounds good +1
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