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About Drigor

Drigor's Achievements



  1. Player name: Drigor Showdown name: Drigor Server: Blue Rank on ladder: 18
  2. Player name: Drigor Server: Blue Rank: 11
  3. npc name: youngster Drigor text1: quick pun, you laugh you lose! what the tentacool said to tentacruel? text2: you used to be cool man... no? ok let's fight so team: bannete, Mismagus, aegislash, Dusknoir, Hunchkrow, Mega Gengar :devil: :devil: :devil:
  4. hope you the best my man <3 good lucky
  5. hi i'm having a issue at only blue server (where is my main account) every time i try to log in this message appears: "user already logged in" pls help i'm loosing my memberships days with that and need some help what can i do? second day having this issue any support????
  6. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [bLUE SERVER] Recruiting! <t>hi i'm intrested to join your guild!<br/> 1.Drigor<br/> <br/> 2. i'm playing for such a long time but never have the chance to join a guild, i think it's a good experience and i really want to make part of a comunity like your guild.<br/> <br/> 3. i have all the badges already.<br/> <br/> 4. i'm not a discord user, but ofc i can use it.<br/> <br/> 5) i'm pokemon player since i was a kid i really enjoy this pokemon pvp, the concept of pokemon and a mmo is very intresting for me.<br/> <br/> 6) yes.<br/> <br/> 7)i can help any guild member and i also have a decent knowledge on meta game to try help any guild member that need some sugestion or have some doubts.</t>
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