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Everything posted by Synapse

  1. I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet, but it would be so much helpful if stuff like lottery/trainers/items/dig spots had a global cooldown. Meaning it would reset for every player at the same time. Please work on it! it's easier to follow up and gives you more liberty to do the stuff whenever you want, as long as you do it before the reset.
  2. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  3. I'd be happy as long as you could use bike in the zone transition buildings. I understand that most caves and maze buildings are meant to be annoying that's why you can't use the bike.
  4. I think Set makes it more challenging. I wouldn't change it.
  5. Le me, pm me ingame for sugar daddy offers
  6. Oh well hello there
  7. Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted to know!
  8. I was wondering if there's anywhere I can find extra information regarding mounts on the item mall. How fast are they? same speed as bicycle? Are shiny mounts faster than normal? how much faster? can lapras move through land?
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