This. I have membership and i dont care if the server is offline. We donate as volunteers and the server still in beta so we all know this will happen. For me is ok :)
It's a MMO, 3 days leveling a pokemon, for me is ok, the game must not be easy. Imagine if you can have your 6 pokemons at 100 in days. You will lose all the motivation after this.
The system is ok, maybe they can add an option for the people who wants to battle at lvl 50, maybe for some rewards, but not for ranked games.
But why so negative about it? You don't lose nothing doing it, in fact, to all the new people who will play this game, will be better to go to a "guide section" than go to the support forum looking for help, and maybe for them will be more faster look at some guides. And the guides are made by the same users so in one way or another the staff don't lose nothing doing it.