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Everything posted by Digger4glory

  1. 400k togepi :Shy:
  2. "Eevee 1" , The impish ... 150k :Shy:
  3. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 05/29] <r><QUOTE author="Tro11z"><s> </e></QUOTE> You have best offer on Cleffa and Scizor. The owners of the other two Pokemon will respond when they can.<e> </e></QUOTE> Sorry but i have ofer 310k in jolteon xD<br/> <IMG src="https://1.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/40/99/4079d81271f2af485384f79de0670e0a.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  4. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 05/29] <r>310k Joteon !!!<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://1.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/40/99/4079d81271f2af485384f79de0670e0a.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. Re: Selling Hippowdon (UPDATED) <r>B.o ? Ista ? Stat ?<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/044/d/f/eeveelution_wallpaper__a__by_clowcardruler-d5uuauv.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  6. I buy epics eevees !!!! (Of Mays ivs preferably possible +20 , Unless he uses not). Eevee/Vaporeon = Nature Bold !!! Eevee/Jonteon = Nature Timid !!! Eevee/Umbreon = Nature Impish/Careful/Sassy
  7. Sold !!!Thanks all !! :Shy:
  8. Bumb !!! B.O Updated !!! :Shy:
  9. Bumb !!! Updated !! :Shy:
  10. Sabrile lest go in game now please !!
  11. Sell epic Avalugg Impish !!! Offer me !! (BO NOW : 520k ) by Steinar. (First, I will be making it clear that Bo NO HAVE TIME According if I do not like the offer will simply cancel it and delete the post !!! (Found bad? Oferte not ^^)).
  12. Re: Auction adamant tech scizor 24h left! <r>sabrilemarocain !! Could call me in the game? unfortunately my friends list this bugged and will not appear to you I call you !! Please<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/af47c76e82474f5f9dabdd64507f6971/tumblr_mz7gk9i5KV1r6x726o1_500.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. Re: Auction adamant tech scizor 24h left! <r>355k<br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/af47c76e82474f5f9dabdd64507f6971/tumblr_mz7gk9i5KV1r6x726o1_500.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  14. :( i not have de money xD Buy i keep my offer Sr.Somes =3
  15. Re: Auction 3 days for adamant tech scizor <r>325k<br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/af47c76e82474f5f9dabdd64507f6971/tumblr_mz7gk9i5KV1r6x726o1_500.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>
  16. Epic Lucario Adamant (spd 30) start 600k !!! offer please <3 https://prnt.sc/b8pyud
  17. Price start for Mismagius ? Ista ?
  18. Sell (epic gardevoir) !!! bo 210k by goosebumz !! time : 1 day !!!
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