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Everything posted by Necr0fe4r

  1. larvesta 800k, togepi 1 550k togepi 2 850k
  2. Auction got cancelled since noone wanted to start the auction
  3. S.o.: 200k Min.raise: 50k No insta Duration: 48h after first bid Accepting: CC = 350k Rare Candy = 7k
  4. Halloween Garchomp (Auction ended): Start: 1,5m Min. Raise: 100k Insta: 5m Winner: 2.2m by shadowrunner Halloween Weavile: Start: 1m Min. Raise: 100k Insta: 4m Winner.: 1m by Redhat1 Accepting: Coin Capsule = 360k Rare Candy: 6k Auction lasts 48h after first bid individually on each poke.
  5. Trade done. Donator picked up both Poke with his alt account
  6. Sorry Donator was faster
  7. @Donator msg me ingame so we can meet to trade
  8. I could do 550k, but not less sorry
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