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  1. Norex's post in Dhelmise not show up on minimap was marked as the answer   
    Hey, this is not a bug but intentend. The "Burring Strait Under water" map was only used for the christmas event in 2020 where players were able to catch Dhelmise.
    As you may have noticed now the map has a slighty different name, "Burring Strait Underwater" and it has different spawns which is also intented.
    So currently Dhelmise has no available spawn.
  2. Norex's post in Server crashed during fight with forest master. was marked as the answer   
    There is no cooldown or something like that. Try to interact with the mushrooms on the tree stump as that has solved that exact issue you are facing for most players from what I know.
  3. Norex's post in Can't break rocks on excavation sites was marked as the answer   
    Excavations are currently disabled just as Dig Spots and Headbutt because of some issues with it. It should be fixed with the next client version from what I know.
  4. Norex's post in New Regions was marked as the answer   
    There is no ETA for that as I have already mentioned before.
  5. Norex's post in Error NPC S.S. Anne was marked as the answer   
    That Mysterious Captain NPC is not for the SS Anne. You have to talk to the Guards just a little south from that Captain NPC to access the SS Anne.
    That Captain NPC is there to access Birth Island with a Mysterious Ticket you can get from a world quest.
  6. Norex's post in Zubat doesn't learn acrobatics at lvl 31? was marked as the answer   
    That seems to be a mistake on the wiki. Zubat learned Acrobatics on Gen6 but not on Gen7. Since PRO is using Gen7 mechanics it wont learn it per level-up but with the TM-Tutor in Fortree City from what I know.
  7. Norex's post in Having problems executing the Mac Client. was marked as the answer   
    There was message on PRO's official discord about this. Maybe this can help to solve your issue.

  8. Norex's post in currently says im not a member but i have BMS active was marked as the answer   
    I guess you mean a Black Medallion (BMS)? A Black Medalion doesnt give you Membership but increases your chance for hidden ability on a pokemon from 5% to 25%.

    In order to gain the benefits of an active membership you need to get a Medalion like one of these.

    Also make sure to activate these items by clicking on them in your bag after you purchased them.
  9. Norex's post in Thief on Wild Pokemon. was marked as the answer   
    You are able to get them. The pokemon has a 5% chance of holding an item.
    Make sure to have an empty item-slot on the pokemon you are using thief on as the item will go to your item-slot after you stole one.
  10. Norex's post in Bug? with my suspicious bot was marked as the answer   
    You have to lose to get your rewards.
  11. Norex's post in Can't play, changed the resolution and size of buttons, now I'm stuck was marked as the answer   
    Try to open the console with F2 on the login-screen and type clean reg into it. Keep in mind that this resets all your other settings as well but should fix your problem.
  12. Norex's post in What is Happening? was marked as the answer   
    Thats because you can only use the same starter a limited amount of times. To try the quest again you have to do it with another Mudkip.
  13. Norex's post in Game Not Logging In was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunetaly the game can have issues when using mobile data. I would suggest to use WIFI instead or try to use a VPN. Both options should fix the problem you are experiencing.
  14. Norex's post in Bug at the second quest on the xmas event??!! was marked as the answer   
    it is in the second picture you posted.
  15. Norex's post in Xmas event was marked as the answer   
    Since you already got the hint from the stone you pretty much only have to search and interact with a location between two trees. Search around a bit and I am sure you will find it as other players managed to do it already as well.
  16. Norex's post in Hello please help me. was marked as the answer   
    You cant just ride any pokemon you have. You need mounts for that which you can get from the Coin Shop (accessed via the orange-bag icon on the top right of your screen) or the PvE/PvP Coin Masters.
    You are also able to get mounts as rare boss or event rewards.
    There is a quest for a free Arcanine quest as well which you can read more about here: https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Arcanine_Mount_(quest)
  17. Norex's post in blocked in login was marked as the answer   
    Server is currently down for the upcoming Xmas Event. It should be back up soon.
    You can join PRO's official discord server to always be updated with the latest news.
  18. Norex's post in Character Keeps Moving To The Right was marked as the answer   
    Try to disable Controller on your Keybinding settings, that should fix it.
  19. Norex's post in Struggle move while sufficient PP was marked as the answer   
    Could it be that your move was disabled by Gengars ability? If you are choice-locked because of the Choice Scarf and try to use a disabled move you will Struggle.
  20. Norex's post in Mud shot move bug shows supereffective and completely ineffective at the same time was marked as the answer   
    Thats because Mud Shot has 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 but the Tentacruel most likely has Clear Body so its stats cant be lowered.
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