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Everything posted by Toothless

  1. As one of the Head GMs, I feel that I can say: LeoChaos is correct. We as staff don't go by what the seller puts in his shop, especially if it goes against one of PROs rules (or even against more than one of the rules.) We encourage everyone, that if you see someone putting these ridiculous stipulations all up in their trade post things, report them. Cause I can make them change it, or I can remove it. They can have their pick. That will be all for now Have a great day, all of you!
  2. Auction house is already planned and in the works. I'm not 100% sure of the details yet (you mentioned tax, I assume you mean like that fee for putting something in the AH?) But, in any event, this is already being planned and worked on. Thank you!
  3. What prevents us is for one: letting you run your own server, and handle all the issues there, would require us to give you (a completely unknown and untrusted by us individual) direct access to the database that runs 3 servers already (adding yours would make that 4...). I could go on, but that would be rude, and point 1 is plenty enough to say no. So that's gonna be a no.
  4. Why would you want to open another server? We barely have the man power for the 3 we have.
  5. Pm me the old email that it is currently set for, and the new email that you want it set to. I can change it for ya.
  6. Hi there! Welcome to the game! Have a great time!!
  7. Hi there, welcome and enjoy the game!!
  8. Lifetime-MS. :Heart: Ok letz say for 6 month! xd Erm, that'd be a little excessive, I feel.
  9. I would suggest some nice in game things, so nothing comes out of your pocket <3
  10. As a PC repair technician, might I suggest running actual diagnostics? Temperature checks mean almost nothing. You need to check your RAM, your hard drive, processor, etc. Hiren's BootCD has awesome tools that will help.
  11. Post an image of the pokemon in your post. That would help.
  12. We've answered in your other few threads. You traded it away to your friend. Please stop spreading false information. Locking now. Stop spamming posts please.
  13. Forwarded to admins for support.
  14. Unfortunately, relogging saves progress, and every so often the server autosaves. So there would be no way to roll your account back. :( Seems like you'll just have to wait.
  15. This isn't really a theory, that can actually mess up your account pretty bad. The server and DB already notice you in johto, to move you back could inadvertently keep your pokemon locked up tight in the PC, which would be humorous, but pretty bad.
  16. the mount will show up in the hotbars of whatever account you log onto, until you change it for that account. Unfortunately in this case, I think I know your issue. The mount is only purchased on one account, so that account the hotbar will work. On the other account, the one you haven't purchased the mount on, it won't work because you don't have that item. You would indeed have to get another mount. I hope that helps clear things up?
  17. Toothless

    Money bank

    Unfortunately for you, your accusation was found to be false. Please don't spread rumors.
  18. Apologies, but this has been suggested and discussed numerous times. Each time with the same results. Fly will not be implemented to work outside of Battles.
  19. Fly is intentionally not programmed to work outside of battle. It was decided that way for many reasons. One example, perhaps the biggest, being the economy of the servers. Escape ropes are 550 each, iirc. Keep in mind there are around 1800 people at a time on the servers. This means a lot of escape ropes being used often, thus helping keep a good handle on the economies, so they don't get out of control.
  20. You will have to wait until the staff recruitment threads re open.
  21. Just please only trade with those you trust completely, and take several screenshots of the agreements and the trades for safety. We don't want you to get scammed, so please take every precaution you can!
  22. To be honest, I've known lots of people to stream this game, and no one has ever come to me with that sort of information. I've not seen anyone get twitch banned, but definitely check if it's alright with Twitch, as I do not wish any of our players to get banned (especially if they are obeying the rules). But if they do allow it, then we do as well, [glow=red]IF[/glow] you get approval from a staff member. That approval will be to post in all once every 20 or 30 minutes a link to the stream and something like: Come check out my stream at twitchstreamaddresshere.com (example only). I hope that helps clear it up? TL;DR: Check with Twitch for sure, but we allow it with permission. Have a nice day!
  23. Toothless

    Banning bug?

    Hmm, I'm gonna go ahead and lock this, and we can chat in your appeal post. Apologies. I will still help you a lot in getting this resolved.
  24. Toothless

    Banning bug?

    So I've been waiting on you to respond all day. Please respond soon so we can proceed. I'll check this again in the morning.
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