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Woshidage last won the day on March 20 2024

Woshidage had the most liked content!

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Woshidage's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. THIRD ANGEL SAKIEL clothes: EVA-00 Blue Hat: EVANGELION-01 Hat: EVA Mark-06 Hat: Gundam Hat: Mega X Charizard Hat: Mega X Charizard Clothes: Mega X Charizard Clothes&Hat&Wings: Mega X Charizard Wings: Conan Masks:
  2. Dear administrator: My game ID is woshidage.i might have some problem. When I get big nugget, my client crashed, I can't get the big nugget and the Pink Wings quest can not to be continue. If u can please Reset my Pink Wings Quest. thank you~
  3. - IGN:woshidage - Discord name:wwwcacaw - Pokemon name:Johto region Starter Pokémon[Chikorita ,Cyndaquil ,Totodile ] - Pokemon Typing:152-154-Fairy and Grass,155-157 Fire and Ground,158-160 Water and Ice. - Pokemon description:Easter Pokemon, every pokemon can learn one moves of the Additional attributes - Picture/drawing (optional):
  4. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest:Weii Friendliest:Weii Funniest:Weii Coolest:Weii Comeback Player of the Year:woshidage Most Talkative:woshidage Most Trustworthy:woshidage Most Helpful:woshidage Most Missed:woshidage Most Influential:woshidage Most Intriguing:woshidage Most Experienced Player:woshidage Best/Funniest Username:woshidage Most Professional Guide Maker:Red Most Professional Discord Moderator:Red STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper:Sprinkz Best Artist:Sirmeowington Best Community Coordinator:Fluffles Best Moderator:Aphotyx Best Trade Moderator:Tigerous Best Game Master:Astraea Best Admin:Shane Best Staff Username:Sirmeowington Most Professional Staff:Sprinkz Most Dedicated Staff:Sirmeowington Funniest Staff:Shane Friendliest Staff:Shane Most Honorable Former Staff:Shakumi Most Missed Former Staff:Shakumi.She is hot!!! i love her ,Shakumi!!!!Do u hear!
  5. Username : woshidage Server : Red What Pokemon do you think needs an Easter form? pikachu and buneary
  6. Dear GM The last time I play Lugia boss, your server is suddenly disconnected, no correction. I waited for 12 days, your server and broken, or no correction. There's no more of my treasure.my Jirachi. Why is God doing this to me? Why? :Frown: can u help me... dear GM...
  7. Dear Kagawa today, when i fight with the boss , the game has been dropped two times. and the game was called off a few days ago. I just wait 12days to get a fight chance. i want fight Lugia and get the Pokedex. Then i can go to catch the Celebi. I just one pokemon fight then i can win. but the service... can you give me one more chance, and let me play it again with boss? pls :Heart: :y: :kiss:
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