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Everything posted by Jocabaldini

  1. Every time the boss says "You have beaten me 0 times when I went all out.". I'm pretty sure i'm with 3 consecutive wins, but i can't get the reward.
  2. I released my shiny togepi by mistake. Can you help me?
  3. Nevermind, found the other 2. @Locks14, i found following the map in this tutorial
  4. Hi guys. I'm stuck in ghoul swamp trying to do the Halloween quest. I already found 8 pokeballs to free the spirits, but only 1 returned to the ghosts, all the others were evil spirits, and the ghosts ghosts say i still need to free 2 more. Are there more pokeballs hidden or it is really a bug? Attached the 8 places i found the pokeballs and the ghosts message.
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