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  1. Hi, can you please delevel my Gyarados to lvl 60. During Heatran quest i got dc (in final battle), and now i cant enter into the cave with this poke because the lvl is too high. server - GOLD username: Darahati Pokemon ID: 34917814 Edit: One more think, my friend got dc in the same battle, few minutes latter. Is that coincidence or some bug or what?
  2. Hi, Accidently release my Togekiss, server gold. Togekiss lvl100, UID: 30195821 Please help.
  3. Yes they came back to me :D Thank you very much for your help :) Kind regards, Darahati.
  4. Hi, Thanks for answer. He trick me, I wasn't careful - good lesson for the future... I suspected I might have been wrong during the lending, that's why in the first post I asked about lending history. Of course it's my fault. Sorry HappyMango, I completely forgot about this lend of weavile and togekiss on Saturday, that's why I asked if it was definitely my trade history. What was the reason for the lend? I just wanted to be polite and lend him pokemon's to beat e4 or gym leader - i dont remember excatly. I did it because I once borrowed from a random player pokemon's to beat Hannah. I just wanted to help. Kind regards, Darahati.
  5. One more thing, You saw in my Trade log Weavile but You didn't saw Concledurr? Its strange because i bought them on The same time, last week, from one player. Are you sure you check my Trade logs? Doesn't look like it.
  6. Hi, I never lend my Togekiss and Weavile... I bought them few days ago, dont remember excatly which day. On saturday i lend to someone Arcanine, Gengar and Alakazam - all catch in kanto.
  7. I still didn't got back my pokemon's, it's 4 day's already. I found at forum note about "lending trick" and i tried to check this with my friend. Unfortunately it's true. After i choosen lending time my friend press Lend and trade back to normal. I'm affraid that happened to me during last lend, and i accepted without knowledge - i was careless. I still have a hope, that they will back, but now this thread is to close. Because, i don't have any id's and info about the other player or ss. So, you propably can't help me. Be carefull during lend, don't make my mistake!
  8. Hi, almost two days have passed and my pokes still didn't back... How long can it take? Im a little worried.
  9. Is possible to check lending history? I lend 3 pokes today but they didn't back to my... 2 of them was pvp Full ev training pokes... What to do?
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