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  1. Buying sinnoh story pokemons Can be shiny but low lv shiny
  2. xnolanx . 240hrs+ . Metagroos . India . 17 . Gold
  3. Wts shiny kingler for 110k and cheap mounts also
  4. Ugh yea
  5. Wtb zombie charizard mount
  6. Hey wanted zombie charizard
  7. Wtb low level epic Pokemon's n a bit cheap also plzz pm budget 40k
  8. Coz of the update my red Goth cloths r gone .....can I get them back plzzz
  9. After the update my red Goth cloths r lost ...can u plz give me my red Goth ...I got some others shitty cloths now
  10. My friend already got the Halloween update apk but I am not getting it says it's in manta. How did he get it ?
  11. Do v have to update the game or it will automatically take place ...... is the update gonna come today like on 3rd of November or on 4th of November can I no plzzz
  12. Hi bro
  13. I wanted to buy red glasses or Ghost rider mask ...more of red glasses plz n wtb red head phones n wts mimikyu hat , straw hat ,purple party hat n some default costume plz pm I need money n wtt latios mount for Latias mount plzzzz I really need one
  14. Plz I beg of u try giving it back plaaazzz
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