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  1. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? FlooHH 2. Number of hours played? 41 (started this week, once i get into a game i'll go ham) 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? haven't decided yet, still doing the story, but for now i'd say Gastly or Sandslash 4. How old are you? 21 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 07.02 Custom 6. What is your timezone? GMT+1 Edit: Custom 7. Why do u want to join Phoenix? it got recommended by a very helpful player and im lookin for a community to sit in VC with to make the EV/Hunting grind more enjoyable xD
  2. Im not familiar with coding, but maybe just make the PC 1 storage, with a slidebar on the side so u can slide down, maybe have the ability to mark some pokemon as "favorite" or "PvP" and have a filter option for that, also if all are in 1 Box the sorting after Name/Lvl would actually make sense since for now sorting after name and then looking at B for Bidoof just shows the Bidoof in PC1 and not the one in PC3... Alot of QOL changes possible here to have the players manage their pokes better
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