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Everything posted by Muusica

  1. Sold many pokes in game, removed all sold pokemon from the shop. ---- Moved some pokes from auctions to fixed price. Added Skarmory and many untrained pokes, including good riolus. --- Prices went down for some pokes.
  2. start 200k
  3. Sold houndour and smoochum in game. ---- Added an Auctions section. Added new pokes: Auctions - Hydreigon and Togepi. Trained - Chansey, Machamp. Untrained - Leafeon (mostly trained), Durant, Clauncher, Axew, Skiddo, Meditite, Togepi, Duskull. --- Some prices were reduced.
  4. Rules: * I accept coin capsule as 200k and choice items as 150k. Also accepting trade requests. * Any auction will go on for 48 hours since started, unless stated otherwise. * You can give other offers for the fixed price pokes. * Will report fake offers. * You can't cancel an offer once u made one. * Must raise bid on auctions by at least 20k, unless stated otherwise. In game name : Muusica. Discord: Muusica#8018 --------------------------------------------- Auctions: [spoiler=Auctions] Scyther, AUCTION 400k S.O , insta 1.2m. extremely high stats, one of the best tanks with eviolite equipped. Onix, AUCTION 100k S.O , 350k insta. epic adamant onix, 20+ with crazy attack and defense his core stats. Trained Pokes: [spoiler=Trained] Skarmory, 300k Hydreigon, 320k Chansey, 300k, Can solo most bosses by spamming defense curl on a special attacking poke. Talonflame, 250k, high attack and h.a. Machamp, 275k, max attack, good abi. Tangrowth, hp flying 100k Untrained Pokes: [spoiler=Untrained] Riolu, 160k Riolu, 125k Riolu, 100k Phanpy, 60k Deino, 75k Deino, 50k Deino, 40k Chansey, 125k Abra, 150k Durant, 60k Clauncher, 50k Axew, 40k Duskull, 40k Togepi, 60k Girafarig, 50k Wynaut, 130k Gligar, 50k Togepi, 50k Meditite, 55k Meditite, 75k Houndour, 25k Pineco, 40k Murkrow, 40k Seedot, 60k Seedot, 30k Snorunt, 30k
  5. Write here or in game, thanks.
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