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Everything posted by Computrix

  1. Good luck with the future owo)/
  2. ● PRO name: Computrix ● Discord name: Computrix#3221 ● Favorite christmas Pokemon: Dratini
  3. NPC Name: Computrix Starting Dialogue: I used up all my Pokeballs during Halloween, now I can't hunt for Christmas! Losing Dialogue: At least I have all these leftover candies... On Cooldown Dialogue: What a nightmare, and right before Christmas, too! Team: Trevenant, Golurk, Spiritomb, Cofagrigus, Serperior, Darkrai Special Request (If any): Receive 1 Rare Candy upon first victory.
  4. What a neat giveaway. I have a few shinies but they're all lamer than these.
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