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Everything posted by Kxrizmuh

  1. Nobody really knows is Spike actually died though because the movie came out after the anime. It's actually debated whether or not the the movie takes place during the anime or after the anime.
  2. And Kimi No Na Wa
  3. Shingatsu wa kimi no uso (your lie in april) Ansatsu Kyoshitu (Assassination Classroom) Steins; Gate Angel Beats
  4. - Death Note (if you haven't seen it already) - Steins Gate - Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood - One punch man - Ansatsu Kyoushi.tu Let's not talk about Assassination Classroom :'(((((
  5. the first anime i watched was Spirited Away from Studio Ghibli. after that i watched DBZ
  6. I completely agree. Completing a shinydex is completely insane. Imagine the hours it would take to try and obtain a pokemon of the rarity of the starters or something like a shiny dratini. unless youre lucky it would take weeks. there is no point in wasting your time in that way when theres more normally obtainable pokemon that are just as good if not better than a majority of the legendaries.
  7. Kxrizmuh


    The gym leader levels I can see being: {(gym number) x (10) + 5} for gyms 1 to 3, but after that I see them adding on about 8 lvls per gym after that. So gym 1 to 8 in order (in my mind and do take this with "a grain of salt" as said earlier) are 15, 25, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 75. This would make more sense seeing that most people say to be at least lvl 75 for all your pokes to face gym 8 in both regions. For the e4 I see the jump from 8th gym being a significant leap of 10 to 15 levels, leaving the e4 at 85-90 for the levels. This kinda makes me scratch my head though, seeing that all of my Pokemon were EV trained and above level 84 for the kanto e4, yet it was still a significant challenge. I don't know if the devs coded them to be EV trained, or if they're just above the normal levels of what we think because of the lack of EVs. Boss Pokemon or programmed in the game at lvl 120 and the only reason that I can see for that is because of the lack of EV training on those Pokemon. That being said, if you take into account that though maybe the levels of the gyms are more like 15, 25, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, and 80 for the lack of EVs and the e4 levels being around 95 to 100 also do to the lack of EVs. That all being said though, the levels your Pokemon should be when facing the gyms in order should be around 13, 20, 30, 38, 45, 54, 65, and 74. For the kanto e4 a good team of lvl 85 pokes should do nicely and for johto e4 a team of 90+ should do well too. Regards, Kxrizmuh
  8. This is a completely relevant and genuine topic to be discussed. This can also branch into how trade chat is too "spammy" in I believe everyone's opinion. Please devs, designers, admins, mods, Lord Deathwing and King Chappy of the Karp, please consider adding in more default channels for the community. Yes, we can create our own channels and yes they might grow to an extent, but after every server crash/reset the community created channels are deleted and members have to rejoin/remake the channels and the user base will have to regrow inside of them again. Regards, Kxrizmuh
  9. one of the rules to play is that in all chat and any of the chats provided by the server you must speak in english. the one exception to this rule is other chat in which multiple different races/ethnicities are all allowed to speak in their native tongues and dialects. the reason why it is english friendly and seems to only be english friendly is because, unless there is anyone that is an exception to this rule on staff, everyone on staff only speaks english. you can copy paste things to translate from your side what you wish to have said in english and say for the person that is answering to answer in pm that way you can take their message and translate it into your own language, or maybe the person that responds will know your language and can answer to you in your language. regards, Kxrizmuh
  10. you should have invested poke into buying revives and full restores. there is no pokemon game in which you are allowed to go back to the pokemon center when challenging the elite 4.
  11. For Kanto e4 you want all lvl 85+ in your party. for johto e4 you want all lvl 90+ in you party. any pokemon below lvl 75 will no withstand a single hit if the attack dealt is neutral unless the pokemon has the sturdy ability. in other words no your team will not be good enough for the e4 and may not be good enough to beat zapdos at the end of victory road.
  12. that's rough m8 :/
  13. maybe try at sunset in the tower. i wouldnt know the exact answer though. there might be a tutorial of this quest on youtube or on the forums itself.
  14. wow just realized that i thought i was talking to my friend, but he was the person who replied last before me. this is awkward now and i am sorry for the confusion.
  15. dude, we battle all of the time and i've beaten you once using my team and it is for the most part the same team i used to take on johto e4. just use your normal pvp team and you will do fine, just dont forget about buying tons of revives and potions.
  16. i will give you the keys to my house and the shirt off of my back for that kfc
  17. made me chuckle because the only reason why i'm on the forums rn is because RED crashed again xD (i know this is an off topic comment).
  18. Hopefully it's a quick travel to the Johto safari zone. God knows it takes 30 minutes just to get there from New Bark, Maybe an hour from the other side of Kanto.
  19. He is referring to the one that is inaccessible due to it being blocked by wooden supports. I do not think that it is accessible at all as of this moment. I'm guessing it might be the way to Hoenn, but it'll never be used because Hoenn will never come out. #halflife3
  20. I already have started to try and find better replacements for my neutral natured Pokemon, but its always a matter of if the replacement is the right replacement if I am changing a Pokemon and if the replacement will have better stats than the neutral if I am not changing the Pokemon. Thank you for the reply though and I will definitely consider Donphan and Machamp to replace Slaking. Regards, Kxrizmuh
  21. Through upwards of 185 hours played on PRO, I have been able to obtain a decent amount of Pokemon that are useable. However, I am now entering the stage in which I am now out of the storyline gameplay and into PvP and am noticing that my Pokemon, or my team really, are clearly not of the caliber needed to successfully win, or win consistently, in PvP battles. I am asking everyone who is knowledgable of competitive team builds in PRO that reads this to give me advice on my Pokemon in respect to competitive play; what Pokemon I could use on a team, what Pokemon I should sell, what Pokemon I should catch or buy to complete a team or make my team better, what Pokemon that I have that are low level I should level up and train, and any other advice that could possibly help me in my PvP PRO endeavors. Regards, Kxrizmuh
  22. As of recent, "Sing For Me, Dying of Thirst" by Kendrick Lamar or any up-beat/reminiscent J. Cole song If I'm really in my feels, "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd Regards, Kxrizmuh
  23. Sure thing. As soon as the server is done with being under maintenance.
  24. As everyone knows, the in-game trade chat is a complete and utter mess. If you wish to sell Pokemon, more likely than not, unless your Pokemon is rare or a shiny, will just be washed out by all of the other player messages spamming wts/wtb/wtt etc. along with their linked Pokemon and/or the item of which they want to buy or sell. The main problem I see is that the chat does not have a post cool down of any kind, creating the means of cancerous spam of colors and letter. This is inefficient. If the trade chat is to be used to its best extent there has to be a cool down of some sort. I also thought of some other ways to clean up the chat. I am going to create chats for WTS/Sell and WTB/Buy (I have not come up with the name for the chats as of now, but I am going to create a separate post on the subject) to help make a better trade chat(s) with the two having a specialty of selling or buying Pokemon or Items. The goal is to make Trade chat irrelevant, making the jobs of mods like Sepeii and Tetra, two mods that I constantly see policing Trade and All chat, much easier. If this system of Trade related chats could also replace the Trade chat of today I would find that to be incredibly beneficial to the community. Regards, Kxrizmuh
  25. With all due respect Integer, I think that this suggestion has some genuine potential to it. Breeding is not a sure fire way of getting a perfect Pokemon and it would make it even more difficult to get that perfect one if the Pokemon that bred to create the egg were "expended" for lack of a better term. Please do take this into consideration because breeding would be awesome to see. If the penalties of breeding to Pokes in this suggestion is too weak in your opinion, maybe think of increasing the risk factor; not only will you lose the two parents but also there would be a steep fare of breeding or obtaining the egg of 150k poke or even more. Also, I need not to mention that this would be a true end game mechanic that could only be used after beating all of the current regions and all of the bosses; beating all of the bosses within the reset period of them all as well or shorter. These are purely suggestions and you may disregard them if you want, but I feel as if the thought should not just be brushed off due to fear of truly epic Pokemon like those created in the main games through breeding. Regards, Kxrizmuh
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