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Everything posted by Afrahim

  1. I can't seem to get out the way I came in. I tried all possible routes to get out...I even made a video but PRO's attachments said its too large ( although its only a minute long). Anyway hope to get a solution soon. Thank u... ^^ P.S. : I'm still stuck...-.-
  2. I can't seem to get any free items from the NPCs. Is it a bug or do I need ALL Eight Bagdes??? Please look into it. I didn't receive any item in my Johto journey from PokeStop.... Thank u
  3. thanks very much...i appreciate it ^^
  4. No stat view !!! Please fix it soon... >.<
  5. I think its bcuz both servers are offline at the moment. There is no ETA to when the servers will come back online
  6. I'm having problems with the server.... Am i the only one??
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