-Why do you want to join NoMercy?
I battle in pvp and is awesome gild i love you and i want participate! :)
-What can you contribute to NoMercy?
I can contribute peaceful mood and rare candy
-Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why?
yes i have bann because of giveaway it is mistake
-Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO?
I want all pokedex on level 100 beat all gym elite cahmpion boss get legendary epic pokes all and become pokemon
-How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak?
I am 9 and i speak german
-What is your discord name and ID tag number? (Example: teerav#0975)
I forget my password i say you later
-About myself:
i am a very frendly waterjoo being and i love helping and contributing in my time i like play LEGO poke and wario. i play pro in the afternoon but on tuesday i have only 4 lesson school so i have more time for the play. i sing in local church children choir and my favourite colour yellow because i love eat noodles (with ketchup:D). music i most listen to psytrance and goa but mini psy is nice well. my best series are star trek DS9 and spongebob. i am not racist im so friendly guys so please
and i already go beat hoenn for my new pvp line up