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Everything posted by Syaaa

  1. buy mothim
  2. Start 80k
  3. Sorry but I don't hav discord..but if you want to go online just message me
  4. Buy bold omastar 300k
  5. buy breelom 250k
  6. Start 150k
  7. My budew did not evolve..i use rare candy to level it up but it not evolve into roselia..can you help me to evolve it? Name:Syaaa Server:silver
  8. Do you accept steelix + leavanny = 600k?
  9. Buy elekid lv 61 350k
  10. SERVER TRANSFER Username:Syaaa Server to charge the money from:Silver Main Server to transfer:From Gold To Silver
  11. I dont hav any screenshot and i didnt yet try to contact the other user..i will try to contact it later in the game ...
  12. I lend my adamant tyranitar to other player for 1day before the server was down but when i log in and check i still didnt get my tyranitar back..
  13. logging in time is too long and nothing happens.
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