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  1. Thanks for this information. The only problem is that I do not have the need cash nor pokemon to help me complete this quest.
  2. OMG I never new this could be possible.
  3. When I was playing I've notice a little bit of something I would consider unfair. If you're battling a NPC pokemon, and you're pokemon fainted, you're allow to choose a new pokemon but choosing a new pokemon would allow the NPC to attack you two time in a round, I think this was weird but I figured it was just how it suppose to be but when the NPC pokemon faints, it's allow to attack my pokemon after picking a new pokemon? Even sometimes it even allows the NPC to play two moves in a row after picking a new pokemon. Is this how it suppose to be or a bug?
  4. Yea, kind of new to it. I'll take a look at a map editor
  5. Re: Big Guide Of Everything <r><QUOTE author="PokemonHero"><s> </e></QUOTE> Don't be sorry. It's all good, I'm not looking for special favors or attention. I was only asking to see if it was already created and I just couldn't find it<e> </e></QUOTE> Oh it's no problem. Hope you got out of Mt.Moon lol<e> </e></QUOTE> I end up making a quick guide</r>
  6. I was trying to find a guide out of Mt. Moon, this is the next area you'll go after beating Brock(Rock Gym Leader). I would first like to asks you guys go easy on me if this guide is all messy, this is my first time making one. I did this in a color code format. Each ladder as a color rectangle on it, match the color and with the other and that how you'll find where it would lead you Floor 1(The area you are when enterting Mt. Moon) Basement 1 Floor (1 level lower of floor 1) Red Color Route Little Blue Color Route Dark Blue Color Route Basement 2 Floor (This is the lowest level.)
  7. Re: Big Guide Of Everything <r><QUOTE author="PokemonHero"><s> </e></QUOTE> If it's anything like the original games, you might be able to find a map guide on google images. Search: "Mt. Moon Map"<br/> I would just make a quick guide for you but I'm working on this and I would have to queue for an hour. Lol sorry if it isn't much help.<e> </e></QUOTE> Don't be sorry. It's all good, I'm not looking for special favors or attention. I was only asking to see if it was already created and I just couldn't find it</r>
  8. Re: Big Guide Of Everything <t>Anyone know the route to get out of Mt. Moon??</t>
  9. Sorry for the nooby quesiton but what does the MS Medallion does? I thought it give you membership status
  10. I do not know if anyone else notice but when Nurse Joy is saying "Good Bye" she would say the wrong day of time. It would be night outside but she would say "Have a nice morning!". I'm not too sure abut her greeting, if it also happen there because I just skip thru the dialogs
  11. OMG, thank you so much. Now I just need a a dragon pokemon for this. But this been a great help :Heart:
  12. I would assks if you could make it where you can easily spot your character in game. Have you ever bine around a lot of players and you lose sight of your character? I dont know what you could do, maybe place a diamond like they do in SIM to spot your character easier
  13. I would just like to say, thank you to the team who created this. I remember playing pokemon on the gameboy when I was a young. Pokemon has been one of those games that you will never get bored of, but has a I got older I moved away from Gameboys or handheld games and to computer. I started to find SP games boring and not as entertaining but when I heard they made an MMO for pokemon I jumps on it. I'm Graffy, and yes I came here because of Jevs video but I'm not here to talk or in seach of Jevs but to actually play the game. I'm super friendly and I would always be happy to help out people but first I need to build my pokemon up. I hope I see this game to continue for a long time. I'm also waiting for Pokemon GO to be release, that is something I would jump on ASAP.
  14. Paying to play a longer hours, wouldn't that deface the meaning of "free to play"? But your reason behind is valid at the sametime
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