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  1. Beat Xylos, got nothing for it. Unexpected error, posted in discord since there's a support tab, redirected here per usual since apparently there's no use for the support tab. https://clips.twitch.tv/ConfidentFurryPidgeonHumbleLife
  2. Username: Rektaur Server: Gold Your streamlink: http://www.twitch.tv/rektaur What type of content do you stream: Variety streamer, tons of PRO recently.
  3. [FIGURED IT OUT] When getting to Celestic town originally, I inspected the dig hole and it pushed me through to the west side when I said cancel. I didn't think much of it, continued and beat Snowpoint, and went back to the places I missed to complete it all. I come back to Celestic town after beating Team Galactic HQ and releasing the spirits, and I cannot proceed through the story. Ztaziz asked me to post a forum thread about it. EDIT: Turns out I missed going to lake Valour and Verity. I went back and it fixed the issue.
  4. Caught a yanma for the bug catching contest and tried to submit it to the judge, but got this message instead and got a clip of it happening. Tried at the actual judge and it's doing the same thing. https://clips.twitch.tv/CooperativeUninterestedGarageSoBayed
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