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Everything posted by Whitney007

  1. Up, Clefable h.a c.o 350k Dragonite Miltiscale c.o 300k
  2. Dragonite started, clef c.o 310k ^^
  3. -Auction lasts 24 hours after first bid. -No sniping. Auction will extend by 15 mins of last offer. -No cancelling afterwards Enjoy =) Dragonite Miltiscale , S.o 300k insta 500k Clefable H.a epic, S.o 300k insta 600k
  4. Garchomp and mixed Dragonite sold in game. Updated more Pokemons up for sale.
  5. Discord tag : whit007#2137 In game: Whitney007 Gold server
  6. Clefairy sold insta Garchomp h.a sold in game.
  7. - auctions duration is 24 hours after first bid. - you can't cancel an offer. - I reserve the right to cancel a sale/auction. - accept cc Trained H.a Max att, s.o 400k insta 700k Insta 200k Timid h.p ground , s.o 200k. Insta 400k Semi epic bold, s.o 700k, insta 1.5m H.a s.o 400k, insta 650k Haunter max speed 200k Garchomp s.o 200k. Insta 400k sold Garchomp h.a - sold Dragonite mixed attack h.a - so 150k sold Untrained Clefairy h.a epic sold Vulpix h.a 150k Vulpix h.a 150k Ferroseed epic godly h.a - s.o 250k Ferroseed semi epic - s.o 300k
  8. Chomp jolly sold in game, up
  9. Garchomp jolly @ 200k sold Garchomp Ada h.a with Max att @ 250k or offer.
  10. Does this fit into the category? Tier 9.5 and biggest fail ever.
  11. 7 hours left. Up
  12. Auction ends in 12 hours. No fake offers. Sold in game, can be closed. edit: slashed prices. Hf
  13. Sold via insta, thanks guys. Hf
  14. 6 hours left
  15. Great. 17 hours left, best offer 250k by davokthedark1.
  16. C.o 200k by Sghir
  17. Already got first bid by cardboardmom
  18. Auction ends in 24 hours. I can cancel auction if not satisfied with offers. Min starting bid 150k. 500k insta. Enjoy.
  19. Ending soon, serious offers please Not satisfied with the offers, will try again sometime. This can be closed thanks guys.
  20. I'm not accepting trades rn, just looking for decent offers either here or find me in game. Will sell to best offer by tomorrow.
  21. Great ivs natural cure I reserve the right to not sell if not satisfied with offers.
  22. Insta sell 200k
  23. Are the servers down? I seem to be stuck in 'connecting to server' for past 20 mins or so. Tried restarting and everything.
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