My hopes and wishes for Christmas Event:
Alolan Ninetales added as a Mount and maybe as well Shiny Alolan Ninetales Mount.
Alolan Sandshrew and Alolan Vulpix added to game and is catchable at Christmas event.
Wailmer Surf Mount or other Surf Mount like previuos time.
You already can play PRO with controller with Android device, because I already did that and great experience. But controller doesn't make easier Trades or Messaging.
Before I started watch Anime/Cartoons/Live Action TV series I saw some Anime in my TV channel. But the first Anime I started watch normally on internet was Pokémon. After that I decided to try out more Anime and hooked for life.
The part 2 I believe was drakrai, so it has ended already ^^
Exactly, part 2 was Darkrai at October 30th - November 5th.
Part 1 is Halloween event it self, so.
Please do some of these: Updated items. Etc Sitrus Berry is healing here 30 HP like 3rd Gen when since Gen 4th it suppose heal 25%. Etc in Gen 7th some Potions and Drinks was updated.