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Everything posted by Sviper

  1. I'm bit sad, because I thought I could become champion yesterday or today, but looks like I underestimated EVs training, so I finally become champion tomorrow. I hope when part 2 arrives I still be able do part 1.
  2. Oh yeah, I have a question. Would I be able do part 1 after part 2 will be released? Asking this, because I won't become Champion until tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
  3. From what I noticed that in PRO grinding is bit easier then in original games of Kanto - Sinnoh, because it feels I get more experience then in original games, more wild Pokémon appears including evolved ones and there is even Halloween 5% experience boost atm. So it not so hard to grind in PRO, I think. The hardest part for me in PRO it's that it's online games, so if you caught bad IVs/Nature Pokémon you can't reload save.
  4. Hello, I looking information about Happiness in PRO. I already know that authors of game made walking Happiness here only for Party leader. And I heard riding on Bike doesn't give Happiness. Do we get Happiness Riding Pokémon? Is there any NPCs that can increase Happiness? If there are then where are they? Is there any other item apart from Soothe Bell and EV Berries? If there are then where we can get them. Where can I get Soothe Bell apart from catching Golbats and Crobats? Thank you in advance. BTW side question: I heard there are function for disabling NPCs re:battles, but how I activate that?
  5. Hello, I use "ACME GA09 Easy-to-match gamepad", it's controller that works via cable on PC, PS3 and Android, but I have problem on Android. On Android arrow keys to walk up and down works opposite (down goes up and up goes down), but walking with Analog Stick works fine (my phone is Sony Xperia Z Ultra Android 5.1.1). When I using it at Windows with 64-bits in PRO it works fine. So why that's happening on Android?
  6. I agree with author of thread and Starlight (game really use random music). Plus would be nice to be able mod/change game sounds/music like Cries.
  7. Sviper

    Enter Sinnoh

    Cool. I heard this last full region, but I think would be cool that in future we had vote or maybe even kickstarter/donation for Unova-Kalos-Alola. For Unova would be nice to have 2 different starting paths like: *Trio Badge, Basic Badge (Nacrene Gym), Toxic Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge, Freeze Badge, Legend Badge, Wave Badge. *Basic Badge (Aspertia Gym), Toxic Badge, Trio Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge, Freeze Badge, Legend Badge, Wave Badge. When we get 7th Generation Pokémon in game as well: new moves, update movesets, updated moves, updated stats, old Pokémon with new Abilities, updated abilities and etc?
  8. Switch! Because at my country just couple shops sells and prices goes from 386€ while it should cost 300€ maximum 330€. Thank you for this opportunity.
  9. Sviper


    Blue Magikarp > Golden Gyarados? , I mean breeding? Pinkan Island, Pinkish Pokémon and maybe Pinkan Berries? Pokémon Gender Differences? Sinnoh? Valentine's Event? Or even something else?
  10. Every Ice Type Pokémon that currently exist in World of Pokémon! As well: Alolan Persian, Furfrou, Stufful, Bewear! (Because of Abilities is suited for winter.)
  11. Sviper

    Short Absense.

    Welcome back. :) Just quick question. Do you plan add Sinnoh, Unova (merge of old and new with 10 badges and two starting points which one decide gyms order), Kalos, Alola in the game?
  12. I interested what's new in Hunter version, because Shane didn't post change logo.:P
  13. Raw, because Pokémon Subs come after very long time and I understand most of it without Subs as well. xD
  14. I totally agree with this idea/suggestion.
  15. https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SViper
  16. Thanks, because didn't know to report this as problem or simple thread.
  17. Hello, I have Pokémon Revolution Online 0.95.2 at my Phone, but one thing confuse a lot. When I go to my Programs and check PRO the version string says 1.1, and that's confusing. So would be nice at next update it version string would show current version of game not that 1.1 thing.
  18. +1, I agree with this idea fully.:)
  19. I hope it will come any time soon.:Sleeping:
  20. Sviper until now new version on android not released coz any prob not fix. U must wait until it have done. But i dont know when. Thanks for information. Looks like when I want play this, I can't do that. :P
  21. Does anyone know how download new version of PRO on Android now? Because atm link for Android doesn't work.
  22. Happiness suggestion/idea add.
  23. He saying that he cannot login, same for me and I'm stream, so that's makes me bit mad now.:( Edit: Now works.
  24. Charmander didn't learned Dragon Rage at level 16.
  25. Why not Kalos? or did i get it wrong what is kalos+ Kalos+ as in, Kalos and the ones come after it. Reason being those maps are made in complete 3D aspect, doesn't give a proper mapping chart to convert into 2D Super sad news... You could make from scratch those maps then.:P
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