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Junior Trainer (3/12)
@akayagi9, im holder of the mantine. I have messaged you on discord as this seems to be your preferred platform of communication. Check your friend requests in discord please edit: trade is done
J3b fun time smash & cash boss service and more
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Service Shops - Gold
It's up! -
Famous Ralts shop! Huge selection and incredible prices!
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Pokémon Shops - Gold
Famous Ralts shop! Huge selection and incredible prices!
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Pokémon Shops - Gold
Famous Ralts shop! Huge selection and incredible prices!
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Pokémon Shops - Gold
Pinkbanana and mwayer noted -
Nice perspective from another viewpoint, just a side note on why 5 and 7 do not contradict each other entirely. I think an image will describe it better, don't mind the balance between them as these bars do not represent statistics, but focus on the principle I'm trying to explain. Lets imagine this is the current situation, with 5 distinct rarity tiers (which there is not, it's just to demonstrate the point) [spoiler=Image 1] what i would like to see is [spoiler=Image 2] where the red bars represent the loss of probability, green bars represent the gain in probability and the blue lines representing the new probabilities In the case of heracross (and others) i believe they belong in another rarity tier than they're currently at and i would like to see something in the lines of this [spoiler=Image 3] I hope this explains the situation more clearly
First off, I'd like to share my total excavation points as a way to solidify the weight of my points I'm going to make. I've been doing lots of excavations and I believe that I have an understanding of what makes excavation fun and exciting. I know that there are obviously a handful of players that have done more excavations than me, but I'm very sure that there are very few with as many points as me or more. To start off, when I saw the announcement about updated excavation sites, I really liked it. I've felt for a long time that excavation needs an update to appeal to the mass, and obviously any new content is going to make people try out the the excavation sites for a little while when the update is fresh. It might recruit a few more hardcore excavators, but in the long run, excavations is definitely going to be more of a boring grind than it already was. The old problems with excavations that will still remain: (in my opinion) 1. Vendor trash (previously only rare bones) like pearls, small mushrooms, rare bones etc doesn't make sense to me. It kind of defeats the purpose paying to enter the excavation site. Solution: It would simply be better to put this value into the quality of the pokemon that spawn in the site. 2. (Not sure if this is going to be true) The pokemon spawns are very stale. After months and months you're just going to encounter the same pokemon time after time, this is something that creates excavation burnout. Solution: Have regular small updates with a frequency of about 1-3 months, with just a couple of changes in excavation spawns. Keep a pool of pokemon for each site, enough to rotate around. Keep the changes small and frequent. I'm thinking in the range of 1 pokemon change for another in the same rarity tier per site per small update. Have just a few site defining pokemon stay permanent. 3. Progress in excavation rank. Previously after you reached 6k you had everything unlocked and only needed to grind 2k more for the tomb raider rank (which in my opinion is worse than paleontologist, but that's another issue). Now that cap is increased to 10k with entry of dragonic site, but problem remains the same. After you reach 10k you basically unlocked everything and doing sites with 30k is the exact same thing as doing sites with 10k despite the 30k one thematically being a much more experienced excavator (btw if you didnt do lots of excavations, points gains are really slow after you reach the cap of content). Solution: Add some kind of reward or incentive for excavating, either by points or by regularity. This is going to make people who already enjoy excavating a lot enjoy it more and might make people who previously didn't like excavating feel more satisfied with excavating. 4. The artifact point shop. There is simply one item that's the most cost efficient and I'm always going to spend all my artifact points on that one, the addition of new gems might contend the list, but ultimately it will probably just decrease value of gems and we then go back to purchasing the most cost efficient item again. The new pvp items and evo items are not even close in cost efficiency, and i play on gold. This problem is even worse in silver from what I've heard about prices. Solution: Buff/nerf prices in the artifact shop. You kind of need someone experienced in trades on both silver and gold to make the balancing right. My opinion is that the prices should be balanced between an average of gold/silver balance so that even if a few items will be more worth than others in efficiency, the best items will not be several times more cost efficient than the worst items. Now for the new problems i think came with the update and my opinion why it was an overall disappointment: 5. The balance between spawns. Previously we would be quite likely to get one of the rarest spawns per map excavated. The probabilities have been changed for the worse with the new patch. I can agree that old excavation was kind of overpowered, it yielded lost of money from encounters if you had 6k+ points, but even then not a lot of people were doing excavations. This is obviously something I might have been very unlucky with, sampling only from 2 days of excavation sites, but from what i can tell, there has been a huge nerf to rare encounters. This is going to make people burn out from excavations very fast. I see this issue as an opportunity to mix with the solution for (1) and (4). Giving people with high amounts of excavation points an opportunity to pay more for entry that gives better chance for high tier spawns is not something I would be opposed to. 6. While Dragonic site is really nice designed, it is huge and lacks a clear path to walk it. I've been forced to enter in staffview 1. I understand that you want to make the map the most prestigious one, but I believe that removing the one way direction passages in the start and end would at least make this site a little bit nicer to walk through. Being forced to take one of the paths on the way in and the other one on the way out just feels bad. 7. Some of the pokemon are put into the wrong spawn tiers imo. With lots of people doing excavations, Heracross being the worst offender. A previously t8/9 pokemon spawns lots and lots in historical site, this is going to decrease value a lot of heracross. I salute all owners of epic heracross that's getting their value decreased in this very moment with an f f Also Mantyke is too common imo. This concludes my current thoughts about the new state about excavation. I might have more points I'd like to add later but this is it for now. If any staff member wants to contact me in private with intention to make improvements for excavation sites, you're very welcome to contact me either here on forum or on discord! I'd be very happy to help you.
J3b fun time smash & cash boss service and more
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Service Shops - Gold
Lending trades open again = easy way of service. Shop is very open for buisness still! -
Famous Ralts shop! Huge selection and incredible prices!
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Pokémon Shops - Gold
Roarino is the winner of auction by time
Im selling clefable, auction ends approximately 11 hours 20 minutes from now (i'll add timer for exact time) Bids in the last 15 minutes obviously extends the auction by 15 minutes after the last post as long as auction havn't ended yet (as per official forum bidding rules) Start is 0. Minimum increment is 1k. Auction was won by Roarino for 101k https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190907T12&p0=239&font=cursive Here is the exact time, or 2019-09-07 12:00 (GMT +2)
J3b fun time smash & cash boss service and more
J123b replied to J123b's topic in Service Shops - Gold
more lineups are ready again. you'll have to make written agreement for screenshots in game of pickup and retrieve times agreed upon until lending is fixed