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Everything posted by Spacemuffin

  1. The blue server is the same as the red server. Nothing different besides the players. You start over if you go to blue since the character servers are different and not the same so no cross server access. You can use the same account for both servers but each will be different characters. Also, your signature is messed up with the url link <3
  2. Re: Spacemuffin's Trading Center <t>Updated with Level 100 Pokemon Sub Section. There's a Gengar E4 sweeper there.<br/> <br/> Gengar already sold - Glitchin <3</t>
  3. Well whats your thought on prices? Any idea how to better refine it? Also, the main question right now how much does it being a shiny pokemon effect the pricing of the pokemon. If anyone has ideas on that feel free to post in here.
  4. Bumping. Think this needs a little more discussion.
  5. Re: Spacemuffin's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="Chris211"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yeah I will start doing EV training once I finish Johto. I want to be able to do it for both regions thus why it has not been started yet. And yes I have a macho bracer already so EV training wont take long.</r>
  6. Re: WTB Epic Pokemons (see thread) <r><QUOTE author="Chris211"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey i will check now and then, but in case i miss anything post here ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> Will do.</r>
  7. Re: WTB Epic Pokemons (see thread) <t>I will keep and eye out for these while farming pokemon. I'll let you know or post them in my shop. Check there once in a while I update daily with loads of pokemon.</t>
  8. So from what I have heard / read there are 3600 slots for players online. Another 2200 slots for players to be in queue for the game. And on the weekend all 5800 slots are full. So yeah very populated.
  9. Welcome to PRO, Hope you have fun and enjoy the game for its true meaning. If you have questions at all just ask.
  10. It was removed from viridian forest. You can still obtain them from headbutting. So good luck headbutting. As for censoring yourself it still counts as a bad word.
  11. Re: Spacemuffin's Trading Center <t>Updated with new sub shops. PM offers or leave them here on the forums. As for the shinx I am still working on getting one for you.</t>
  12. Welcome to the team, Mappers are so important :D Hope to see some of your work in the future.
  13. Welcome to PRO, Good luck on your journey to catch em' all.
  14. Thank you everyone thus far on keeping this civil and providing great suggestions and input.
  15. No problem all the credit goes to DarkJester. I am just helping them get it out to the public and get opinions on how to better it.
  16. Added my Taillow to the post as an example. DarkJester is working on a new potential rating system based off some of the posts here already. So lets see what happens.
  17. Thank you for the input. Any input you might have about the individual prices would be amazing.
  18. That is the idea behind this. Mainly to protect players like you from being scammed into buying a pokemon they though was great when it was bad. With a kind of foundation in which players can reference back towards as just a starting point is better than having no point to start at in general.
  19. Re: Spacemuffin's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="MattTCK"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'll talk to some people and see what we can do. They are ever so elusive.</r>
  20. EV training can be done in a few hours. I can train any pokemon to full ev's in less than 1 day "real life time." As for the rarity of the monsters and the prices. I understand your frustration but could you give ideas or suggestions how to make it better? All I see is QQ and no PEW PEW "PEW PEW = suggestions".
  21. That's what this post is about. It is trying to bring everyone together to build a solid trading market were players can reference when wondering what their pokemon is worth. I understand your frustration. Your opinion about the system is yours but I think with you saying its terrible maybe you should give suggestions about how to better it. Treat this post as if it were a game in [glow=red]Alpha or Pre-Alpha[/glow] this post is here to work out the kinks and make a better system. If players are just going to complain and say the system sucks without providing suggestions I suggest you just keep your post to yourself. As those types of posts are not productive in making the system better.
  22. Lol. Not the right place to post price requests. This is directed towards the discussion of the post above. If you want to know the price of them based on the post. Do the math :P
  23. Re: Spacemuffin's Trading Center <r><QUOTE author="mrcosta77"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> No current bo or starting price. Though I will listen to offers. I am still relatively new to the whole selling so I have friends who are helping with pricing.</r>
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