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Everything posted by Chaosmadis

  1. I did not really like the evelution's untill espeon and umbreon came out, then really loved glaceon and leafeon when they game out (mostly due to Ice and Grass being among my favorite typings) and then finally fell in love with sylveon when it came out. Helped that fairy types became one of my top typings as well.... Sadly the firs 3 are part of some of my least favorite typing's.... especially jolteon. Not that I do not like them they are just all on the bottom of my evelution list XD.
  2. Thank. A bit annoying but I can live with it. Not the worse thing in the wrold XD .
  3. So every time I go in to MT. Mortor Floor 1 through the entrance closest to Mahogany town this NPC explorer James keeps stopping me like he will battle me. And then He dose not battle. Every time It happens every time I reenter the area and go past him he does this. All he does is says his Before and what a I assume is is after battle dialogue. I tired Logging of the server and back on and even Exited out of pro completely....... about the only thing I can think to try next is re install completely but would like to avoid doing that. Anyway Not sure if this has happened or not before just thought I would let you guys know.
  4. What if we had played on both servers? How they going to handle that or have they not said?
  5. Call me naive. but how can you even tell someone is bottiing in this game? I mean if it is them moving in only one pattern Or something like that hen it looks like everyone is botting. I mean I hardly deviate from a certain movement when I am Hunting or leveling pokes.
  6. Re: Intensity guild [Yellow~Server]Recruiting <t>Can you get discord on your phone/tablet or pc? will you be able to stay there and chat with us? I am almost always loged into discord and will chat if I am not to focused on the game (This is due to lack of a headset at the moment or a good one) <br/> are u active? I am trying to get back into the game again and also trying to find a reason to stay active.....The game gets a bit boring if there is no one to play with. <br/> tell us about your awesomeness! include your ign please and thanks! I do not consider myself to be that awesome XD. I do want to learn more about the pvp aspect of the game though and enjoy searching for Pokemon. As for in-game name well that would be ChaosMadis</t>
  7. Yea I know its is XD had to take a break for about a month or so due to rl and missed it XD
  8. First like the others I Do something else while waiting. Also 30 min? Use to be an hour or more XD
  9. If you don't like it don't play. What you call "amateur work" is what staff does in their free time. I helped a lot with the game before life got in the way. Nobody is forcing you to play. They offer a lot of stuff for money so it's something you can complain about, not dealing with criticism is not the right approach to a community either. Also it'd be really easy to fix. The stuff they offer for money are little Pretty things and some special stuff if you get the ms. None of that is needed and they do not pocket any of that money it goes right back into the game and the servers. They still do this in there free time and tbh I think for something that is done in free time this game is better then some professional games that people make there living making.
  10. So I realized that my Granbull is 45 and did not have play rough. I though Maybe I canceled it from learning it but When I checked at the move Buffet guy it was not on the list to relearn. Is the level higher in this game or is the move bugged or something.
  11. Soon to be...... 29
  12. No You just have to hit Escape then one of the options is the options tag below whic is Log out That is what the OP is refering to.
  13. Actually Yahoo works to it is the email that i used to sign up.
  14. Yea but Nine tails is not favorite fire Pokemon ONly using the one I have now to help get past a gym
  15. My um Nine no Um my Sand... Maybe my ummm..... Yea I got nothing XD ANd I ahve been trying to find a drought Vulpex XD I was thinking if I found one and it had decent iv's I could make bank by selling it. :D
  16. Not in defense of fly but to comment on the subway system there are so many ways they control the overflow of in game money its not even funny. And dont say it easy to save up because there is always potions and heal Item needed sometimes I feel like they have to many money sinks >.< But I still love the game regardless.
  17. I can understand why some that has put enough hours into might restart but as for me I am at the 5th badge but I do not mind restarting...... Mainly because I think I messed up with some things early on >.<
  18. Well as of this post the game is offline as for the other problems the server has had problems all day.
  19. ok thank's Still glad for the Piddove though one of my favorite Bird pokemon.
  20. So I am curious are there some Pokemon that can only be found through headbutting a tree? I only ask because I found a Pidove in on and when I looked at the Pokedex info it did not give a location as to where I might find more.
  21. I have had this issues to some today and wonder if it is related to the que or not I click Log in it says IM logging in that goes away then nothing not even the fact i am in the que comes up.
  22. So decided to finally make a first post here on the forums just to say Hi to everyone here. Never was good at these and never like but I still do them so here I go and apologies if I ramble. First off I have been playing the Pokemon series since the first two games came out. I believe I got the Red version and my younger brother Got the blue. Though my last game bought was Black 2 (Money situation\ for a while has kept me form spending much on games) I still keep up with the series. As for stumbling on to this I did find it because of a steamer on twitch and spent most the day Yesterday playing it and have to say so far I have had a blast. Anyway Just wanted to say hi and hope to see many of you all in the game.
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