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Everything posted by Skybajito

  1. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Skybajito Server to charge the money from: Silver Main Server to transfer: Silver to Gold
  2. IGN: SkyBajito Answer 1: Uxie. Answer 2: According to the legend, it receives this name because the 3 Pokémon was found resting inside claves in the middle of a Lakers, also the story says that 3 Pokémon born of the same egg made by Arceus. :)
  3. Let Shadow tag banned and Blaziken unbanned(idk why is banned btw, people still using it). Genesect unbanned for test maybe 1 or 2 seasons for see if trainers can handle it, counters, new meta, etc... :)
  4. I want to sell my cute rare Zoroark is full trained :) Start price: $1.000.000 (pokedollars) Time start with the first offer and end in 3 days since first offer. Thanks and Good luck! <3
  5. Ok i test a slower pokemon in Showdown and you are right but the weird thing is that in reality my gyarados is impish 252def/hp and the foe's pokemon was a Lucario... i hope protect problem solve too. And thx for answer me.
  6. Faster? That is not importante. Just look: Me: Espeon. | Foe: Ambipom (Switch). |. ( Switch) Gyarados. |. Dragonite. That is the situation, you can test that in Pokémon Showdown, AFTER both switch the ability Intimidate lower ATK of the oponent.
  7. There is a problem with the ability Intimidate. When i switch a pokemon for Gyarados(for example) to the field and my foe switch his Ambipom to Dragonite in the same turn (doble switch), intimidate lower the attack of ambipom and dragonite comes with normal attack. Should be: dragonite lower his attack when he comes. Protect have a fail, it dosent protect Hypnosis and my pokemon get sleep. Here is a summary of what moves protect shouldn't work. Should be: Protect should protect of Hypnosis. This too things you can test in Pokemon Showdown Simulator Thanks !! And hope this game grow up more, i play this since September 2015 :) SkyBajito.
  8. Ok, you bid for which one? (end the 4 of february)
  9. Start: 300k ($300.000 pokedolars) Time: 5 days since first offer. Start: 1m ($1.000.000 pokedolars) Time: 5 days since first offer Insta will post since 2nd day(both). Thanks and Have Fun
  10. #ms500k #ms500k #ms500k #ms500k
  11. Re: Memoire [international guild] all servers! <t>Hi im Skybajito from Chile and Ryugancuk invite me.<br/> <br/> 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> 95 hrs in Yellow and 800+ in Red <br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> Start in September 2015 and last 2 month i havent internet but i comeback ^^<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> Yes, but prefer to just type in chat. <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> im online almost almost everyday (3 days more and i will in vacation here)<br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> People helping other people with strategies and the game. <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> PvP but i can search pokemons too.<br/> 7. Which server do you play?<br/> Yellow most, Red too but nothing xd<br/> <br/> Hope you recruit me :D</t>
  12. I wish implement a counter or clock to re- challenge the bosses . Sometimes a lot of money is wasted on travel for nothing and is very annoying back 2 or 3 times before the correct time , misjudging the day. :y: thanks for read, SkyBajito <3 :D :thanks:
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