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  1. Welcome to Hector's store here you will find various pokes and accessories . . . Rules . . . Methods of payment . . . contact methods . . . Pokemons sheaps 100k-300k . . . pokes in 300k-700k . . . Pokes 700k - 1m+ . . . Cosmectics . . . Mounts . . . . PET OF THE SHOP . . . Old shop . . . Rain team . . . pokemons of friends
  2. give me u username or pm in the game
  3. all pokes have price
  4. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/174496-shop-of-xxhectorxx-gold-server/
  5. I have a nice slowbro want and https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/174496-shop-of-xxhectorxx-gold-server/ is my public shop
  6. goodra alredy sold
  7. Arcanine and gardevoir alredy sold
  8. Dragonite alredy sold
  9. Welcome to Hector's store here you will find various pokes and accessories . . . RULES . . . Methods of payment . . . contact methods . . . Pokemons sheaps 100k-300k . . . pokes in 300k-700k Pokes 700k - 1m+ . . . Cosmectics Mounts Meme Old shop Rain team pokemons of friends
  10. Nesesito que un moderador me ayude a encontrar datos aobre la cuenta de PedroKiller que es un amigo que quiere regresar al juego pero no se acyerda de su contraseña si me dicen a que correo estaba relacionado o el nuemero que tenia me ayudaria bastante
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