i use gyazo and prntscr, gyazo is fast but prntscr can write on it with color and some other cool things. you can also make gifs with gyazo which is pretty cool, i have it set to control + t :]
Re: ✿Tomato Day Caring✿ ( New Opening)
<t>IGN: godlv<br/>
Pokemon: ferroseed<br/>
EV train: hp: 252 def: 108 spdef: 150<br/>
Move keep: keep all moves<br/>
Rush order: yes<br/>
IGN: godlv<br/>
Pokemon: electabuzz<br/>
EV train: atk: 252 Speed: 252 hp: 6<br/>
Move keep: if it learns an attack that would be helpful for ev training you can swap it for any move<br/>
Rush order: yes</t>
Re: WTS EPIC ferroseed
<r><QUOTE author="kiwi"><s> </e></QUOTE>
this is not even 2m worth, gl selling it tho<e> </e></QUOTE>
how much then? im not good at pricing lol</r>
Re: Invisibility Cloak - "VS Seeker"
<r>i like this idea, should be available after johto or naero. Should be hard to get and a fun side quest, maybe giovanni as a boss? this is all my opinion <E>:Grin:</E></r>