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Everything posted by Yashashwi200

  1. But it says your story progress will also be swapped but I completed sinnoh in silver while stuck at 6th badge in gold Or please clarify me
  2. Hi there actually I want to transfer my items and mons from gold server to silver. Is there any way. Thnx in advance
  3. Bump
  4. Minimum participants lowered to 15 only. Hurry and register today!
  5. Tag bro I want tag too to invite you
  6. Hi all, Feeling bored! Want some competitive tournament stuff? Then wait no more Blue Wings guild is hosting a Gen 8 Ubers showdown tournament with 1.1m prizepool! 1st prize : 500k 2nd prize : 350k 3rd prize : 250k Minimum participants : 33 Entry fees : 15k for guild members and 20k for others Prizepool will be increased as more people join us so no one will be scammed. RULES 1. The tournament will be on Gen 8 Ubers 2. Matches will be best of 3 and you will get 1 day to complete your matches and you can change teams between matches so no need to register any teams 3. All rules of Gen 8 Ubers apply + you can use pokes outside proclient platform 4. Join our discord : https://discord.gg/2XH2mj3 HOW TO REGISTER? JUST JOIN OUR DISCORD TYPE THERE YOUR PROCLIENT AND SHOWDOWN IGN, PAY THE ENTRY FEES AND YOU ARE DONE Registration ends at July 31 21:00:00 IST [indian Standard Time] Tournament will be on August 5 you will rather be notified about it All prizes will be distributed from saffron city This tournament is for silver server players only any gold server player will have to manage himself if he wish to join the tournament Have any questions feel free to DM yashashwi200#2560 HOPE YOU ENJOY AND HAVE FUN!
  7. Hey bro if u want u can join blue wings tell me it discord name if u use it
  8. If u still need a guild join blue wings Tell me Ur name on discord if u use it
  9. Hey Adarsh if u still need a guild u can join blue wings but one requirement is u have to complete hoenn for this we can lend u hoenn story pokes too. Tell me Ur username if u use discord
  10. Tell your discord name too if u use discord
  11. Bro if u want a guild apply for blue wings
  12. INTRODUCTION Hi all, Say welcome to all new blue wings guild. This is a growing clan and need members. WHO CAN JOIN? Every country people can join there is no special status for any particular country. we need people offering training services too! You can apply for training and daycare services also. People with wish to learn can join. Experienced or newbies anyone can join. REQUIREMENTS Completed story till hoenn or complete it in one pvp season being in guild. We can give you hoenn story poke too. Be able to use discord. No special requirements of playtime. Be loyal to the guild Atleast 40 rating every pvp season. Be active in game. AND ENJOY! WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN? As an active guild we will host tournaments once we have some members in the guild. On joining you are able to access in guild benefits or member benefits. These include : Giveaways - We host giveaways every season Lend pvp pokes - Being in guild you can access guild bank pokes Lend boss team - We have a boss team which members can lend Story poke - We have many story pokes at the moment which members can lend to complete their story Dex poke - We have kanto dex at the moment but soon we will have an account with all regions complete dex Ev n Lvl training - As member of the guild you are charged less for making your poke ready Help enhance - We will help enhance your pvp skills and can suggest a number of teams suitable for ladder n ranking Help Newbies - We will help people new to pvp and get them ready to take up the challenge THESE THINGS ARE OFFERED BY MOST OF THE GUILDS AND MAYBE BETTER THAN US BUT THE THING THEY CAN'T GIVE YOU AND WE CAN IS FRIENDSHIP HOW TO JOIN? To apply just type I'm in with your discord name and tag OR Contact yashashwi200#2560 For more information : JOIN OUR DISCORD https://discord.gg/2XH2mj3 OR Contact yashashwi200#2560
  13. Discord invite https://discord.gg/2HX2mj3
  14. Very good said kaihanninja and aizendex you will prove yourself in PvP and we are all here to help
  15. I think my best summer was of 2017 when I was in 8th class and I played most of the time while being in school bcz everyday at least one teacher was absent and we got an arrangement games period. My friend carried football most of the time in his bag and if he forgot it then no worries bcz we played kabaddi. It was a good experience sry the best.
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