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Everything posted by Pastelitouwu

  1. +1 A good idea that should be done :3
  2. silver but I'll be in the gold soon
  3. :ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba:DAYCARE PASTELITO:ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba: Hello, good to everyone!! On this occasion I come to offer the daycare service. The rise of ev: It will cost 40k per poke, if you give more than 2 pokes there will be a 10k discount for each poke you give for the service. minimum level 30 to train. Time to return: 15-20 minutes per poke:PikaLurk: The level rise: [JUSTIFY]No matter the level you give me the poke the cost will still be 50k.[/JUSTIFY] Time to return: [JUSTIFY]40 - 60 minutes per poke[/JUSTIFY] Offers: 1) If you buy both services, you will be given an additional discount. 2) Can you give me focus sash or rare candys to pay for the service Chansey ,happiny, wobbuffet, pokemons difficult to upload ev or lv will have an additional cost of 30k, although all this can still be negotiable. well that's it, I hope your pm my game id is pastelitouwu, oh answer the post. -----------------------------------
  4. :ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba:DAYCARE PASTELITO:ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba::ValentineBulba: Hello, good to everyone!! On this occasion I come to offer the daycare service. The rise of ev: It will cost 40k per poke, if you give more than 2 pokes there will be a 10k discount for each poke you give for the service. minimum level 30 to train. Time to return: 15-20 minutes per poke:PikaLurk: The level rise: [JUSTIFY]No matter the level you give me the poke the cost will still be 50k.[/JUSTIFY] Time to return: [JUSTIFY]40 - 60 minutes per poke[/JUSTIFY] Offers: 1) If you buy both services, you will be given an additional discount. 2) Can you give me focus sash or rare candys to pay for the service Chansey ,happiny, wobbuffet, pokemons difficult to upload ev or lv will have an additional cost of 30k, although all this can still be negotiable. well that's it, I hope your pm my game id is pastelitouwu, oh answer the post. -----------------------------------
  5. Everything is lucky in revo, maybe you didn't bring nat, one solution is that you buy the pokemon you want.
  6. Username: Pastelitouwu Server: Silver
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