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Posts posted by A1catraz

  1. Totally agree we keep hearing the same thing over and over again, but nothing really changes and to make it worse the devs are forcing things to us without taking our opinion at all (the dpad for android it was a waste of time to even think of adding it ,the time wasted codding it etc.. would have been welcome elsewhere imo, it really makes the game so bad to play in phone especially for me who almost plays on phone all the time, same for the game zoom that is so bad right now i wish it was more unzoomed than it is right now even if it's just a little more) but sadly i see that it's like a dictator... all the complaints that people said in forums and complaints sent were in vain, the client update arrived and nothing done or not even a sentence in that regard (dpad and zoom) in the changelog from the devs, i'am really disapointed to be honest i really like this game i'am 21years old and it remembers me of the old pokemon games ,otherwise i won't be here but after this corona ob is dealt with i sadly don't think i will keep playing like i used to...

    I'am not a fan of pvp either i do only pve and it's kinda boring now nothing really interesting happening beside bosses and the dailies

    • Like 1
  2. i prefer dont add it again (staffview) it will help Mapper.


    Correct me if i'am wrong but i understood the problem with mappers wasn't staffview it's that many people were using different zooms so it was really hard for them to create maps that would be adequate with everyone's different zooms so if this is the case i don't see why not raising a little more the current zoom that we have in settings everyone will have the same max zoom in the end and they can work with this as a reference

  3. Plays fine without staffview, now maps are actually more enjoyable to explore instead of just instantly seeing were to go, and if its because of the work of mappers its pretty reasonable they removed it imo,


    This doesn't make any sense you could just not use staffview to "enjoy" the maps if you want having staffview never forced you to unzoom the map if you didn't want to so what do you mean by "now maps are actually more enjoyable to explore " i dont' get it to so sorry but i can't agree with you at this. add to this when i end up 10times in dead ends in breezy falls to go to lc which is the reason i'am not doing the lc e4 at all same goes for beeezy cave and many other maps...

    And i don't see any harm in unzooming more the current forced zoom in settings like for example close to "staffview 1" that most of pro community was using if people wanted to unzoom more. the current one is really annoying i can't get a good view of a map to find my way at all unless it's a map i'am really used to

  4. Hello there,


    This is one of the mapping-related reasons it was removed, aside from the visual issues it caused on tiles which looked very out of place. The mapper team was spending weeks to make the event maps in a way that they are complex and have secret spots but also enjoyable to navigate, only to be rushed and overlooked through the use of staffview. That meant that our work, effort and time was essentially "wasted" as people wouldn't take the time to properly explore what we had spent time to create for the community. You can see how this can be a demotivating factor for an entire team who just want to offer everyone aesthetically pleasing maps and a fun time. I hope this covers that part of your statement. Have a nice day.


    Kind regards




    I understand and thank all the team for their efforts but like i said the current max unzoom is not enough and make it hard for us to get a good view of a map so in the current situation we aren't enjoying the maps either... Getting in dead ends many times

    As i said at least unzoom more the current one and everyone will be happy all players have the same max unzoom (so it won't bother u when u make maps) and that is enough for them to get a decent view of the said map

  5. Hi

    Imo if you aren't gonna bring back staff view then at least unzoom more the current one it's really making it hard to navigate a small example is easter maps we cant go from A to B without finding 5 dead ends unless you learn the map by heart which isn't really helping those like me who normaly dont have alot of time to play pro...

    Like when i was helping belzebel making her shaymin guide while the maps were still new to me i made some mistakes showing the way and finding dead ends instead so we had to retry and it was annoying for both of us which wouldn't happened if we had more visibility


    Also the dpad i wish it be removed it's really annoying on phone when hunting

  6. Hello @A1catraz


    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Can you confirm to me if your level 100 Emboar had the Reckless ability or not.

    Only Emboars with their hidden ability, which is Reckless, can learn the move Hold Back, as you can see here.

    This is because these Emboars were part of a special event, and could only be acquired via serial code.


    I'm looking forward to your reply, have a nice day!




    Oh i see i didn't know that only h.a emboars could learn it...

    the level 100emboar indeed wasn't reckless ability so this is why it couldn't

    Thank you for your help and have a nice day ^_^

  7. Hi there i just noticed a bug in the event move tutor hold back in suzuka i first tried to teach my trash level 49 the move and it accepted it but when i bought a level 100 one and tried to teach it the move it doesn't want to

    the level 49 one can learn it while the level 100 can't ?


  8. Hi there first of all i know that you are trying your best to improve the game and fix it's problems, but tbh this update was more of a step backward for me, and i'd like to share what i think about it as a player.


    -The good thing that i noticed was being able to use the screen rotaion on android which is really great


    -But we also got a dpad which really make moving and farming limited and harder on phones ,i don't see any use of it it should be optional ,as maybe others would like it idk about tbem but for me i'd prefer if it was fixed on the screen with arrows to move than this current one or remove the dpad and bring back the old one.


    Then the staffview which was the most annoying thing for me that happened in after this update, that feature existed since i started playing i have been using it especially on big maps which are many in pro a small example is breezy maps i can't get a good view of the map and as a result i keep getting in dead ends which take me much longer time to reach my destination and it's very annoying i have been using it on both pc and mobile and i never had a problem with it nor i heard anyone had so idk why did you remove it.

    The current zoom is still too zoomed in i wish it was much more unzoomed but since that will annoy others maybe that would like it,but for the majority if players as i have seen many complaining didn't like it ,so why not give us zoom options ? Like 3 options of zoom in the settings a close,medium and a further zoom or just bring back staffview command you don't know how useful this command is for us

    and thanks for reading ^_^

    • Like 3
  9. looking for a hallo ralts or evo

    It has to be trace ability

    Nature and ivs aren't important (good or bad is okay)

    Preference female gender

    5m budget



    *I'am from silver server and will do a server transfer to buy it

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