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Everything posted by A1catraz

  1. I did in my 2nd video you can see that i baton passed quiver dance to kyurem without any issue and he clearly had the stats baton passed sweeping lt.surge in hard mode alone
  2. It can be baton passed o.o
  3. Hi @M3ru3m I don't think it's the case here cuz i do this a lot and it only happens if i go to scizor for iron defense after quiver dancing in venomoth I mean if i quiver dance in venomoth then baton pass it to kyurem it works just fine spatk spdef and speed all baton passed succefully it works fine it's not a big deal as a bug cuz i can sweep without baton passing defense too i only wanted to do it for boss pokes that have priority atk moves Here is a video showing that quiver dance can be baton passed
  4. I did remove it with swirchenroo yeah and it was a sitrus berry it woudn't have change anything The baton pass failed as i explained so i just restarted quiver dance in venomoth and baton passed it again to kyuerm and i sweeped the rest
  5. I showed it in the end of the video at 1:34 it's modest and have 378 spatk after boost it's more than enough to destroy the togekiss if the boost from quiver dance stayed
  6. Here is the video as i got asked to post it as you can see i baton passed and everything then my boosted kyeurm ice beam wasn't enough to kill the togekiss even tho it was a super effective+critical hit which only mean that the boost from quiver dance was gone
  7. Hi i just found a bug with baton pass when i was fighting bosses idk if it's meant to be like that but i don't think so in order to happen you have to Poke 1 : quiver dance then baton pass to poke 2 Poke 2 : iron defense then baton pass to poke 3 Poke 3 (the sweeper) : he won't benefit anymore from the spatk boost from quiver dance and i tried it 3 times already all same result it wasn't cuz i forgot to baton pass and just switched pokes instead and i have recorded it if you need a video of it
  8. Yes try use a masterball next time
  9. Sadly they can't they need the ID of the poke to revover it keep hunting maybe you will find a shiny one x)
  10. I wtb like 15 iv rerolls to try to fix my legendaries I buy nature reroll = 300k Iv reroll = 600k Pm me in discord A1catraz#3158 or here in forum ^^
  11. Sold congrats to the winner the post can be closed ^^
  12. 15min elapsed thanks to everyone who participated our winner is Finky with 8.7m Tell me when you can be online here or in discord A1catraz#3158 to trade
  13. Piproom started the auction at 21:37 and will end in 2 days
  14. -s.o : 1m -mini raise : 100k -duration 2 days (from first bid or start) -no insta -i accept the following items : cc=nature reroll= 300k / iv reroll = 600k good luck everyone
  15. It worked thank you
  16. Hi how can i teach my shaymin-sky the move earth power? i tried the earth power tutor in tohjo falls and the legendary tutor in ruins of alph but i couldn't
  17. Hi i want to ask you to delevel my aipom please Name : A1catraz Server : Silver Pokemon ID : 36193120 Thanks
  18. hi ladies and gentelmen i want to sell this shiny munchlax pickup/adamant *Rules : - s.o 7m - mini raise 100k - insta 12m - i accept only the following items : cc = 280k/ nature reroll = 300k / iv reroll = 600k - i reserve the right to cancel the auction if i'am not satisfied with the final bidding - duration : 2days from first bid or start good luck everyone ^_^
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