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About Kangaroochris

  • Birthday 09/04/1996

Kangaroochris's Achievements



  1. IGN - KanagrooChris PLAYTIME - 167H FAV POKEMON - Gengar
  2. 1. In-Game Name (IGN): Kangaroochris 2. Country of Origin: USA 3. Your favorite Pokemon: Gengar 4. Preferred Activity in PRO? Hunting/PVE 5. What Motivates You to Join Nemesis? Looking for a group to do various activities ex. PvP, PvE, Hunts, Global Events 6. Highest PvP Rating Achieved: Normal Pvp 0 Random 18 7. Discord Tag: kang#7391 8. Age: 26 9. Share a screenshott of your Trainer Card
  3. Very nice guide! Sure explains a lot
  4. Sounds like you are if you backed out for no apparent reason but then again I don't know the whole story.
  5. try restarting the whole game usally works for me i have the same problem
  6. Very interesting concept. I really like the idea of dungeon raids.
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