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  1. Player name: Nilla Silver: Gold Timezone (in GMT): GMT +2
  2. I have the same problem, too.
  3. Hello, I'm accidentally released my ferroseed. Is there any way to get it back, because i don't have ID of the pokemon, only this:
  4. In-Game Name: Nilla Discord Tag: Nilla#8880 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord? Every day What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Reactions to posts
  5. 1. What is your current play time? - 247 hours 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro - Hunting and training 3. Do You like to help your friends (this is most important....) - Yes I do 4. What are your goals in pro? -"To be the very best like no one ever was…" 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? - I like making new friends. My discord: Nilla #8880
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